If you hadn't guessed it by now, there be plots in the works...
Fenrir Greyback has appeared again. His activities are outlined in this thread:
http://community.livejournal.com/fiery_inception/141757.html The Daily Prophet article about said activities can be found here:
http://community.livejournal.com/fiery_inception/142499.html Due to some smart thinking on the part of our lovely resident Auror, Tonks, and the rather misguided intentions of the Minister of Magic, a new plan of action regarding Greyback's possible targets can be found here:
http://community.livejournal.com/fiery_inception/142751.html The Minister then sends out letters and brings Spinner's End into the mix here:
http://community.livejournal.com/fiery_inception/142951.html So, what the heck is going on, you ask? Well, basically, Fenrir's after a certain Weasley brother (can you guess who?) and while the powers that be don't know the specifics, a bit of creative deduction has led to the conclusion that the Weasleys are in danger. In an effort to 'protect' (translated = use as bait to catch Greyback) the Weasleys, each member of the family has been assigned an Auror 'bodyguard'. For the most part these will be NPCs played by the respective Weasley character's player and are in that player's control for the duration of this plot. A single Auror has also been placed at Spinner's End to protect (translate = watch) the residents there.
Yes, these 'bodyguards' will literally be with these folks 24/7, living with them and watching over them until they are called off or Greyback is captured. They will be with them at home, at work, at play and in a chair at the door to their bedroom as they sleep. There will be two at The Burrow for Arthur and Weasley, there will be one at The Phoenix for Ron, there will be two at WWW for the Twins, one for Bill and one for Fleur at their cottage, even Ginny will have one up north at her training program, and can we all guess who will be staying with Charlie? Hmmmm?
The potential for interaction and personal plots are literally endless here folks. Even if you aren't a Weasley with an Auror of your own. Ping a Weasley, work out some plots with these NPCs. Have fun! These are player controlled NPCs, people! Potential, potential, potential!
As always, feel free to ping me with any questions you have. The Aurors will arrive to the prospective 'assignments' on the morning of Tuesday, July 18th.
haven for harry on AIM
haven_for_harry on Y!M