Welcome to Round 15 of the Inception Kink Meme.
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Eames was working the rare job were he wasn’t wanted for his forgery skills. Arthur didn’t want to take chances when he found out the mark was militarised so Eames had gracefully offered his services. Of course, it turned out he wasn’t really needed after all. Whoever did the militarisation for this guy did a really shoddy job. It ended up being a case of Arthur and Eames finding a defensible position, wait for a bunch of projections to get suspicious, kill them when they attacked and then wait for the next group to notice them. With the subconscious security sufficiently distracted the others could easily complete the extraction.
Eames was carefully aiming out a window waiting for the next group of projection to realise where they were. “What’s say we go for a drink after we’re finished here?” he didn’t bother to look back at Arthur who was checking to the bodies of the last group to make sure there were no surprises. “I know you’re all for splitting up after a job darling, but I know a lovely out of the way place that I promised to stop and I haven’t had a cane yet. It would be a shame to leave the country with out doing so.” He heard a wet thud as Arthur dispatched a projection that wasn’t quite dead yet.
“Eames. You’re a closet romantic aren’t you.”
“Pardon?” Eames asked, as casual as only a Forger can be.
“I am aware of the date you know.” Eames didn’t move.
“Valentine’s Day?” Arthur’s voice was now directly behind him. Eames turned. “You’re not the only one.” Arthur said quietly handed something to him. Eames couldn’t look way from the unexpected sight of a shy smile on Arthur’s face. “I’m going to check the north corridor.” He said quickly and left at a pace on any one else would be called running.
Eames was torn away from this rare spectacle when the thing Arthur had given him twitched. He looked down and froze.
The heart gave a final thump, spilling the last of its blood onto the floor, and went still.
Now there was a small part of Eames that was busy going; ‘What? What!? Oh my god. Oh my godohmygodohmygodhmygodit’saheartohmygodWHAT!?’
But there was a bigger part of him had been in the Dream business for a long time and seen all sorts of weird shit. A part that had had always suspected that Arthur may be a bit crazy. (A time when they were out drinking came to mind, when they were talking about Mel. Cobb’s projection of Mel, not the real one. And Arthur had said he understood wanting to be hunted by the one you love but it shouldn’t affect your job. And a lady like Mal should be torturing her husband not her husbands Point Man. And since it was Dom’s subconscious what exactly was he trying to say?)
There was also the part of him that could get the look Arthur had give him before he left out of his head.
He looked down at the heart and smiled.
After the job, when the other had left, Eames went up to Arthur. “Darling? Did you give me the still beating heart of my enemy for Valentine’s Day?”
“I told you weren’t the only closet romantic around here.”
“Why Arthur Addams. I do believe you like me,” Eames teased.
Arthur decided the best way to shut him was to kiss him.
Do you mind if this is linked in a round up post at eames_arthur?
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