Beta/Writing partner needed: Nyruserra

Mar 24, 2011 00:05

Name: nyruserra 
Contact Info:

What pairings do you generally like to write?: So far, I've only written Cobb/Ariadne, but that's only because I've just started :-)  I'm interested in anything well written... het or femme/slash.  Mal and Peter Browning are probably my least favorite characters, but that only means I haven't found the perfect fic yet to make me love them.

How would you describe your fic?:  I think I tend towards plot driven romance.  I've been known to write character pieces and fluff.  I've also been known to write smut, and kink all the way down to G rated gen-fics.  I almost always write things with a happy ending, though I'm not afraid to get dark before I get there.  Dark isn't the same as angst, and I'm not a hug fan of subsuming amounts of misery in a fic.

What ratings do you prefer to write?: G - NC17 I'm all over the place *lol*

What are you looking for in a beta/writing partner? (Grammar, clarity, characterization, plot, story, pacing, etc.): Basic Spelling/Grammar checks, story flow, clarity, tone & pacing.  I would love to be able to discuss story ideas, direction and plot points.  Someone who can tell me when I can do better, when I've missed, or when something 'feels' flat.

Is there anything else a potential beta/writing partner should know about you? I work full time, so I have some restrictions on my time, I'm online everyday, though, and I'm definitely happy to exchange beta services for beta services.

Non-optional: link to a story you've written that you particularly like:   Imprint is one of my favourite HP fanfics.

Non-optional: link to a story someone else has written that you particularly like:  periwinkled's In Which Our Heros Ride a Train, and it's sequel, Life Goes On.  She has terrific characterizations of both Arthur and Ariadne.
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