(Royal) Court Intrigue Fic

May 08, 2012 16:37

Name: bratri_v_zbrani

Contact Info: bratri.v.zbrani@gmail.com

What pairings do you generally like to write?: Arthur/Eames

How would you describe your fic?: Lots of court (royal not judicial) intrigue. Explanation might take a while, but here goes. Cobb is the king (technically emperor, but w/e) of Cobol Empire and Nash and Arthur are the princes (his younger brothers). Mal is rumoured to have gone mad and lost in Limbo (not dream-Limbo but a place similar to, say, Forbidden Forest, or if you watch the show Merlin, the place where Arthur of Merlin show went to do his quest). Cobb is overtaken by grief and goes a bit crazy himself, so Nash takes over as Prince Regent with Peter Browning, the course sorcerer, as his advisor. Arthur, the youngest prince, is the army's general and a brilliant strategist and has been going on campaign after campaign under Nash's orders. Nash is frustrated b/c he has too many obstacles to be actually crowned while Dom and his son James are still alive but if they mysteriously died, it would be politically too obvious. Also, Ariadne, the previous king's ward and half-brother with Arthur (b/c when Ariadne's father, former general, died, her mother married the king as second wife), Ariadne is publicly 'betrothed' to Nash, but she is refusing to marry Nash b/c she's secretly with Yusuf, the court physician… (I'll skip some details so we can get to how Eames comes in)… stuff happens, blah blah blah, Arthur ends up having to leave and is chased into Limbo where the guards won't follow out of fear. Eames is something of a solitary huntsman who's rumoured to know how to navigate Limbo and is ordered by Nash to bring Arthur, accused of treason and other things like killing Dominic's children and kidnapping Ariadne (none of which he did, of course), back to be executed. Saito and the Fischer family are also involved but it's too much to go into here.

What ratings do you prefer to write?: M/NC-17

What are you looking for in a beta/writing partner? (Grammar, clarity, characterization, plot, story, pacing, etc.): Any involvement at this point. I need to iron out some plot holes before jumping into writing it all out or else this fic will become one of many that sit unfinished on my laptop, and I'd rather not make WIP's a habit.

Is there anything else a potential beta/writing partner should know about you?  I need more verbs...

Non-optional: link to a story you've written that you particularly like: It's been too long...

Non-optional: link to a story someone else has written that you particularly like: What's the Time, Mr. Wolff
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