Title: Love Me Not (Where Eames Isn't Gay)
firefox1490Type: Mostly gen, with slash
Word Count: 23k
Rating: 18A
Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Eames, Minor OCs, Cobb, Ariadne
Warnings Violence, homophobia, adult content.
Summary: Eames had to remind himself to calm down; one kiss-fuck, they'd kissed!-was not a reason for a big gay panic. He genuinely wasn't homophobic, but he was genuinely a having-a-gay-man-date-and-kiss-me-phobic. He was anti-personally-actually-being-in-a-same-sex-relationship, as he felt most firmly straight men were.
Arthur was frowning, brow tight, and Eames's forging eye didn't fall for his attempting, casual tone. This had hurt Arthur; Eames could see it in the set of his shoulders and the way he couldn't look at Eames for more than a moment.
"I'm so sorry," Eames said uselessly. Arthur have a shakily little nod, running his fingers through his fringe. "I'm not-it's not a problem," he rambled. "I just don't. I'm not gay."
Link to fic master post:
Love Me NotLink to art master post:
Love Me Not "Album" Cover