FIC: These Frameworks Labelled Home - valinorean/mruczanka

Feb 13, 2013 08:00

Title: These Frameworks Labelled Home
Author: valinorean
Artist: mruczanka
Type: slash
Word Count: ~15k
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, original characters
Warnings: none
Summary: Arthur is dead and someone needs to tell his family. Following a job that had gone terribly wrong, Eames heads to Arthur's childhood home to tell Arthur's family of his death when Cobb refused to do it. There, he finds solace with the people who loved Arthur as much as he did. Eames learns of Arthur's past, his life away from dreamshare, and, painfully enough, what might have been between them.
Author's Notes: This is my first time writing for Inception Big Bang (and only my second Inception fic) and I hope you all like it. BIG thank you to my betas kjp_013 and incandescent for all the help! Also to mruczanka for volunteering to pinch-hit art for my fic. Title is taken from a line in the song This is a firedoor never leave open by The Weakerthans. :)

Link to fic master post: AO3 | LJ
Link to art master post: here

(I'm sorry for the somewhat late post. It's already one day late here, but I think I still made it on the other side of the globe? :D)
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