Fic: Artificial Nocturne (twilights_blue/lezzerlee)

Feb 09, 2013 13:12

Title: Artificial Nocturne
Author: twilights_blue
Artist: lezzerlee
Type: canon compliant au, slash
Word Count: 22759
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, the inception team, OCs
Warnings violence, language, canon character death
Summary: Tired of getting stabbed in the back, Eames goes out in search of a partner that can't be anything but loyal: an android. He comes across Arthur, a droid with an unknown past and a slew of programming quirks. Together, they take the world of dreamshare by storm. It's perfect, until it isn't.

Link to fic master post: AO3
Link to art master post: Here
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