fic -- Sweet Vendetta (safaiagem/sin_repent)

Feb 09, 2013 01:04

Title: Sweet Vendetta
Author: safaiagem
Artist: sin_repent
Type: het, slash, hurt/comfort, action/adventure, pre-canon
Word Count: 26,268
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, Cobb/Mal
Warnings sexual content, violence, language, mild torture, blood
Summary: Arthur and Eames are a perfect pair in the dream world but when they are confronted with a job that tests their morals they decide to turn it down. They are attacked and go on the run eventually ending up in California. Newlyweds Cobb and Mal invite them on a job but it is not what it seems to be. Arthur, Eames, Cobb and Mal must fight for their lives and the one's they care about or the job might send them to limbo or worse.

Link to fic master post: here
Link to art master post: here

Sorry for the late post! Time zones.

!round 3

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