Jan 08, 2013 00:13
We have found ourselves already in need of some pinch hitters and in the event we need more we want to make a list of those willing and available. A pinch hitter is an artist who does art for a story where the first artist has dropped out. If you would be interested in being a pinch hitter please comment with the information below.
Type of Art you do:
Pairing(s) you can do art for:
Highest rating you can do art for:
Any pairings, story types, kinks, etc you do not want to do art for (list all that could apply)
How much time do you need to do the art?
Pinch hitters will be contacted by the email they give with the information of a story in need of a pinch hitter (that fits with what they are willing to do), they can then accept the assignment or not.
Comments are screened for privacy so please feel free to leave your full email address.
!round 3,
!mod post