Round 3: Checkpoint #3 (Mandatory)

Nov 17, 2012 17:03

THIS CHECK IN IS MANDATORY, YOU HAVE 1 WEEK TO CHECK IN OR WE WILL START NUDGING YOU THROUGH EMAIL :D (that gives you till November 24th)If you don't want to check in here fell free to email us and let us know where you stand in your story (email is This check in is mandatory and we will be following up with the authors ( Read more... )

!round 3, !mod post, !check-in

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eustacia_vye28 November 18 2012, 03:26:36 UTC
Do you think you will be able to hand in a rough draft by December 5th? Yes to both stories.

Username: eustacia_vye28

I'm submitting TWO big bang fics.

Fire In Your New Shoes
Genre (het, slash, gen, etc): Het with a bit of squint-sideways-and-maybe-there's-slashy-undertones
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ariadne/Arthur (a pinch of unrequited Eames/Arthur and Eames/Ariadne, and I alluded to Castiel/Dean because an online friend was talking to me about that while I was writing that particular scene. I couldn't resist adding that in, but it can still be read as gen.)
Current word count: I didn't actually count, but I'm sure it's over 20k because I'm wordy like that.
What you like about your story: It's done! Even the beta is all done! I liked getting the Inception cast into the world of Supernatural.
What you dislike about your story: The title. No seriously. I can't think of a better one, so... ::flaily hands::

Different From Memory
Genre (het, slash, gen, etc): het and slash. Healthy doses of OT3 action.
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Ariadne/Arthur/Eames, Ianto Jones/Jack Harkness, sort-of Ianto/Jack/Tosh, past Gwen/Rhys and hints of Ianto/Jack/Gwen at the end.
Current word count: Didn't count it, but I'm sure this is over 20k too.
What you like about your story: It's done and the beta is halfway done. It's a bit of a fix it for the bits of COE that I didn't like. (Day 5, you suck so hard, I can't even say.)
What you dislike about your story: Having Rhys dead, but that was from the kinkmeme prompt this story is in answer to. I actually love this to bits. If anything, maybe I'm not too fond of the ending, which feels a bit like a deus ex machina to me. (Literally, but still...)

Anything else?: My biggest issue is more that my beta has too much going on in her RL. Not that I don't, but I write really fast. Faster than she can keep up with anyway. :(


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