Title: Say It Now 'Cause In Your Heart It's Loud
pearljamzType: Chick Lit AU.
Word Count: 15,014
Rating: PG 13
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Eames, Ariadne, Cobb (in spirit), Fischer and various OCs
Warnings: Moderate language.
Summary: Arthur is almost thirty. He likes long walks on the beach, quiet nights with a bottle of wine and his favourite movies and running around in dreams creating paradoxes. He also likes chocolate very much. He's brilliant, intelligent, athletic, meticulous, has a great sense of humour and dresses very well. One day someone just as if not more so brilliant, intelligent, athletic, meticulous with an amazing sense of humour and dresses anachronistically well gave him a box of chocolates. Those are the chocolates he likes the best. He even keeps the tin it came in.
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