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Feb 09, 2008 22:42

Part One- Personal
Character's Name: Daphne Greengrass

Email: Awakenedkin@gmail.com
AIM: PretenderGrl
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  • Yahoo: moomoo2you2
  • MSN: JennaKatt@hotmail.com
    AGE:(Must be 18+) 21
    Past Rpg Experience: Multiple forum games that are mostly original story lines and characters; one lj Harry Potter game that rarely plays, in which I play original characters; table top games and live-action. I’ve also been writing sin
    Where did you hear about our RPG? Hogwarts_grads

    The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game. You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you. This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.

    Having said that, please tell us how you feel about:

    Het, slash and femmeslash: fine
    NC-17 material: fine
    Violence: very much ok with.

    Part Two- Character Info
    Character Name: Daphne Laurel Greengrass
    Age: 21
    Birthday: February 27th, 1980
    Wand: 13’ Laurel with Demiguise Hair core.
    House in School: Slytherin
    Bloodline: Pureblood.
    Political View: Pureblood supremacist. Like many other Purebloods, Daphne holds her bloodline in high esteem. She believes that mudbloods and halfbloods should be the ones wearing collars and being on a registry, rather than purebloods that happen to be ‘tricked’ into following Voldemort. She actually laughs at the fact that werewolves must were collars; she finds it highly appropriate.
    She keeps her thoughts on that subject purely to herself and her closest mates. Daphne enjoys being on the side that is in power and gets things done through doing so.

    Height: 5’6
    Weight: 125
    Build: Slim and muscular
    Eyes: Blue.
    Hair: Dark Brown, often curled and pulled back loosely with a ribbon.
    Dress style: Daphne enjoys dressing in the latest fashions. She has a bad habit of going shopping for new robes once a week. She does have a set of robes that she’s worn for quite sometime, but she rarely wears them anywhere except for when she’s out riding alone.
    Discerning Marks: (include basic appearance, discerning marks, style, etc.) Daphne has softly curled, dark brown hair. Her eyes sparkle a bright blue, sometimes hidden beneath her fringe. Faint freckles dot her nose and cheeks over her pale skin. She dresses to reflect her status by wearing the latest fashions. Likewise, she loves the way her new cloak billows in the winter breeze- even though she doesn’t like the winter season itself.
    PB: Zooey Deschanel

    Sexuality: Heterosexual. Daphne has never cared much for relationships. She prefers to stay at arms length to any man who would try to woo her. While she loves the attention of men, she has no want to marry- much to the dismay of her parents. Her theory on dating and marriage is along the lines of “Just because I think they’re fanciable doesn’t mean I have to have them.”
    When Daphne was younger and some of her mates were having relations with others she thought it took too much effort to please someone else. She decided that finding who she was, was more important than trying to make herself fit with someone else.
    She tries to become mates with guys, instead of just going straight into dating.

    Introvert/Extrovert Extroverted.
    Boggart is? Explain. Daphne’s boggart would be herself married to someone she absolutely hates. She’s deeply afraid that she’ll end up like her parents, sitting on the opposite sides of the house and sharing the children like they were divorced. She wants the freedom to choose and not be chosen for.
    On a sort of off note, Daphne abhors house elves. If the boggart was anything else, it’d probably be a house elf. She finds the fact that they are so grimy and pathetic, makes her want to vomit every time she sees one. She completely avoids the one at the estate by telling others to give it orders.

    Patronus--can they produce one? What is it and why does it have that form? It wasn’t until the war hit close to home that Daphne even bothered to try to produce a Patronus. When she did manage to create one it took the form of a Gazelle. Gazelle’s are always highly aware of their surroundings and are known for their grace.
    As I found it fun to make the form of the character’s Patronus related to the mythos behind their name- as I did when first applying for Asteria- I’ve found this a sort of difficult task with the mythos of Daphne. In reading the story of Apollo and Daphne, the way she was described gave a feeling of a Gazelle trying to escape from a predator, so I thought it’d be an appropriate Patronus.

    Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life.
    Daphne likes to think that she knows who’s who in the wizarding world. She tries to be liked and admired by others and in doing so she always tries to be surrounded by popular people. She views herself as a doer. Daphne always has a picture in her head on how things will be, and is totally involved in the here and now. Recognition or reward runs very high in her value system. To Daphne, admission of weakness feels like failure. She admires strength in herself and in others.
    She easily dodges her way through the sparks and problems, being very task oriented. She loves circumstances where it’s a challenge. New stuff, that’s the thrill in life. Daphne likes order, to walk into a place that’s totally chaotic and nothing’s happening irks her.
    She is very much a people person. Working through people is her way to get things done. All of her energy, fun, and most uplifting experiences are focused around people. Sometimes Daphne has to tone it down a little bit believing that people may read her the wrong way.
    She doesn’t have a whole lot of really deep friendships, but yet she’d like to think people would describe her as dedicated, determined, and loyal. She sometimes has difficulty concealing what she thinks and feels, and she doesn’t like the pressure of having to say no. She’s always been a somewhat distant, but she turns out to be genuine mate as a personal relationship evolves. Trustworthiness in those personal relationships is very important; that she can disagree and still be mates a must. Generally, she wants to do things her own way and in her own time, and she’s rather direct in telling others what is on her mind.

    Parents? Phoebe (Rosier) Greengrass and Aidan Greengrass
    Siblings? Asteria Greengrass
    Family dynamics-- Family is very important. Just getting together and being close with her family is one of the most satisfying things for Daphne to do. She loves leisure, and will do all she can to maximize that leisure time. These leisurely activities are usually extremely active, typically involving riding with her sister or going out to Quidditch games with her family.
    Separately, her parents are wonderful people but when they’re together they suffer from ‘arranged marriage syndrome.’ Aidan is often quite and rather lazy, while Phoebe always wants everything to get done immediately and to perfection. They don’t really love each other; they’re more like distant mates. This is why Daphne doesn’t like nor want marriage, and she’s a bit afraid that her parents will resort to such a measure as arranged marriage for her and her sister. The only time her parents truly look happy is when they’re apart and with Daphne and Asteria. They put on the perfect marriage charade at parties and in public.
    Daphne gets along with her sister well enough. They are nowhere close to the perfect siblings. Their personalities clash often, but Asteria is the only person Daphne can truly rely on.

    Occupation: Works at Honeyduke’s; part-time
    Residence: Family Estate. The whole of the estate resembles that of a Louisiana plantation surrounded by fields and forest.
    Since Daphne was always given her freedom, she continues to live at home. She views it as a practical and good place to be, because it is cheaper and allows her more money for other important things- like new clothes and the latest ‘toys’.
    Financial Status: Well off.

    History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time:
    As a child, Daphne was rambunctious, energetic, and freedom-loving. Living up to the spoiled brat title, she did what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it. She liked life to be action packed and fun. Often stirring things up when she found life too boring. Her parents started her and her sister on horse-back riding when they realized that Daphne was not one to sit still for long periods of time. This became Daphne’s favourite pass time to do with her sister, whenever they were home.
    School was important to Daphne as a place to meet mates and to be involved in activities, and was less important to her as an academic experience. She excelled at subjects that interested her, such as Divination, Potions, and Care of Magical Creatures, but when a subject wasn’t as hands on she often preferred to chat with her mates. Pleasing herself was her aim, not necessarily achieving top grades for others.

    Daphne enjoyed being part of the Slytherin girls clique and whatever Pansy Parkinson decided to do Daphne was always willing to go along. She viewed them as the elites and all the other houses were there for her entertainment. While Pansy was viewed as the ring-leader, Daphne viewed herself as co-leader, leaving Millicent to be the strong arm.
    As a fifth year, Daphne joined the Inquisitorial Squad along-side her mates. Almost unconsciously Daphne would look for nonverbal cues as to what makes her quarry "tick." Once she knew, she waited for just the right time to best the unsuspecting victim and glory in her conquest. Oddly enough, she admired and respected Pansy because she could beat her at her own game.

    When Dumbledore was killed, Daphne was immediately pulled from Hogwarts and set up with private tutors. She kept in touch with her friends via owl and had some over for luncheon every once in a while. Her parents tried to make it like the war wasn’t going on, like everything was ok. But she wasn’t sheltered for long, many of her mates joined the deatheaters and talked about the war constantly. Daphne, though, didn’t exactly like the tactics the deatheaters were going about things, but she did believe that the mixing with Muggles had gotten out of control. So she provided the deatheaters (mostly just her mates) with a safe house. Many deatheaters were purebloods and Daphne believed that it was for the best to keep them from being found.

    After the war, when the Ministry was trying every “deatheater” they could get their hands on, Daphne was named as a harborer by a deatheater that she had never even come in contact with. So it was that she was put on the Registry, under suspicion since there was not exactly any proof that she had done so.
    Her plans on training in the Ministry department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures dashed, she instead took to making sweets in her kitchen. She very well couldn’t sit around doing nothing.
    After a while, Daphne decided that since she couldn’t work for the Ministry, she would ask for a job at Honeyduke’s. It’s not like she needed the money; only something to make her feel like she was achieving something. She’s been working there ever since. Though recently she’s been in trouble with Mr. Flume for refusing to even acknowledge any students that she thinks are mudbloods.

    Harry Potter and his victory over Voldemort? Daphne really didn’t care for either of them, but she found it silly that a boy could defeat a powerful dark wizard so easily. He must’ve done something horribly wrong for this to happen.
    Dumbledore and his murder by Severus Snape? She was utterly shocked. It just didn’t seem like his style to openly kill someone. Very strange.
    Lucius Malfoy's pardon and book publication? Daphne was happy to hear that Mr. Malfoy was pardoned and purchased his book as soon as it was released. (She has somewhat of a crush on him.)
    Snape's pardon and appointment back to his old job at Hogwarts? She was glad that he was pardoned and even more overjoyed that Prof. McGonagall gave him his job back. There is no better Potions professor than him.
    The Registry? Silly and not well thought out.
    Werewolf Remus Lupin's job at Hogwarts? Disgusted. He’s a known werewolf! It was terrible the first time. Who knows what he might do if he’s caught off guard by the full moon.
    Bellatrix' capture, insanity defense, followed by her "cure" and release from St. Mungo's? Well, she might have been crazy before but at least she was a pureblood and stood for her beliefs in her blood status. St. Mungo’s is a good hospital and if she was still a threat to the general population then they wouldn’t have released her.

    What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What short and long-term goals does the character have for his/her future? In short term, Daphne wants to appeal her Registry status, like her mate Millicent did. Daphne’s plans to eventually pursue what was her ultimate career goal in school; working for the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. She really enjoyed the amount of organization and control that a job there would give her. She plans to put stricter restriction on house elves and the use of their magic.
    Once you start playing the game and get a feel for your fellow players and characters, assuming the interaction is favourable, how long could you anticipate staying with this character and this game? What is your usual pattern of longevity in role-playing games? As long as it continues at a pass that is cohesive to my attention span; meaning that if there’s a month in between a post then I’ll give up on the game, but if it’s constantly filled with new things I’m sure to keep my attention.

    What is your usual pattern of availability and play-time for a character and game which you enjoy? If I truly enjoy the game and there is a lot of participation, then I’m usually on in the afternoon during my classes and at night after work. I try to be on the website or game as much as possible.

    Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got! Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

    Sample Journal Entry:
    My birthday is soon.
    I’m not quiet sure what I want to do for it though. Maybe I’ll owl Millicent and see if she wants to go shopping with me and then go out for dinner somewhere. She can leave her husband at home. I need to ask her a few questions about her being taken off the Registry anyhow. I’m nowhere near versed in the legal process of doing such, but she’s the first person to manage it so she should know.
    I, at first, wanted to have a huge party for my birthday, but I think making a fuss about it being my birthday at pubs and the like would be far more fun.

    Sample Third Person Writing:
    The cold winter wind had finally dissipated into nothingness. The snow covered earth gave a great sigh of relief as the clouds parted and the sun appeared. Daphne has always despised the winter. It was cold and wet and left the bottom of her new cloak muddy. The cold bite of the never ending winds was the worst of all the winter symptoms.
    Her eyes fluttered open to a golden beam of the morning sun. She lazily uncovered her body and headed straight to the shower. The house was silent this morning, all except the sounds of the running shower and the low grumbling of their house elf- whom Daphne never cared for. She climbed into the shower and let the warmth fill her soul. She knew today would be a fine day.
    After showering Daphne put on her favorite riding robes and sauntered over to the barn. She had decided that the weather was warm enough to go for a ride and let Apollo out of the confines of the stables.
    The warmth of the sun poured over her body as she guided Apollo out into the yard. If it wasn’t for the snow, Daphne would swear it was spring and in a few moments the lilies would greet her with a smile.
    She brushed the black Hackney with a soft brush making sure every spot on the horse was perfect. Apollo gently nuzzled Daphne’s head as she wrapped his ankles and threw a blanket over his back for warmth under the saddle. After placing the saddle upon his back, Daphne walked him in a circle and then tightened the straps.
    “Let’s go for a galumph.” She whispered, finally grabbing his muzzle when he pushed at her again.
    Apollo bobbed his head in response. She pat his nose gently and hopped onto his back.
    Daphne enjoyed her morning rides when the world was quiet and the sun was barely over the horizon. They ran through the snow covered fields of the estate and into the woods. Everywhere they went the birds softly sang their greetings to the brand new day.

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