Hermione Granger

Jan 31, 2008 08:47

Part One - Personal

Name: Mallory
Character Name: Hermione Granger

Email: siteoflove@yahoo.com
AIM: yeahitsmallory
MSN: yeahitsmallory@hotmail.com
Age: 20
Past RPG Experience: Played four original characters on one site and Ron Weasley on another.
Where Did You Hear About Our RP?Google

The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game.  You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you.  This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.

Having said that, please tell us you you feel about:

Het, slash and femmeslash: Not a problem.
NC-17 material: I’m fine with that.
Violence: Of course that’s okay.

Part Two - Character Info

Character Name: Hermione Granger
Age: 21
Birthday: 19 Sept 1979
Wand:  Vinewood with Dragon heartstring core.
House In School: Gryffindor
Bloodline: Muggle born
Political View: Liberal. Hermione Granger is an avid believer in equality. As a Muggle born she finds the discrimination against them highly offensive. She strives to try and make it more equal and stop the nonsense around it all. Muggles are human while wizards are merely humans with magic. She does not believe that blood in any way correlates with magical ability. She herself is an example of this.  She also believes that magical creatures, house elves, goblins, and the like all deserve to have their own rights as well and feel as though they don't have the rights that they deserve because of closed-minded wizards. She is strongly against all of this and dreams of one day fighting against it all in more effective ways than SPEW.


Height:  5’4’’’
Weight: 120 lbs
Build: Petite with small arm muscles from hauling around heavy books all the time.
Eyes: Almond shaped brown eyes that are very expressive.
Hair: She has brown, bushy hair that was untamable when she was a child. But as she grew older she found different sorts of potions and charms that helps keep her unruly hair from going in all different directions. However, she only keeps up with it on occasion, usually its her bushy old mess.
Dressing Style:  a Muggle born Hermione feels much more comfortable in muggle clothing. Of course she wears robes when needed but when she is lounging around the house, some jeans and a t-shirt are her most comfortable attire.
Discerning Marks: Her bushy hair is the most discerning mark that Hermione has.
PB:  Emma Watson
Sexuality:  Hermionie Granger is heterosexual. She has her on and off again relationship with Ronald Weasley.


Introvert/Extrovert: Introverrted
Boggart is?  Explain.  PLEASE NOTE: A Boggart assumes the shape of a *creature* or physical object.  This is not the same as a Dementor Effect - it cannot be something vague like 'loneliness' or 'sadness' or 'darkness'.  It must have shape and form. If you had asked Hermione this during her school days, she would have seen her Professors telling her that she had failed everything. Something that had happened to her in her practical portion of the Defense Against the Dark Arts OWL. But now she would picture either Harry or Ron dying and her not being able to do anything to stop it.
Patronus--can they produce one?  What is it and why does it have that form?  Again, please note, as per canon - a Patronus is a *creature* of some kind.  We have been very flexibe as to allow fictional creatures to be Patronuses, but it cannot be an inanimate object.  A Beater's Bat cannot be a Patronus. Hermionie’s patronus is an otter. She believes this is her patronus because otters are very intelligent compared to other mammals - such as their ability to use tools efficiently. It also shows deep down that she has a playful side, one that may not always be present but is there nevertheless.


Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life. Hermione Granger has been called on several accounts “the brightest witch of her age.” And that she is. She is also extremely determined, unable to stop solving a problem until she’s got it all sorted out. This leads to her need to always have a plan of action, she is not one for spontaneity.

She has proven herself to be an extremely loyal friend to not only Harry and Ronald but to others as well. She is always one to fight for what she believes in (one of the reasons she still hasn’t completely given up on SPEW). Out of the Trio, Hermione is the rational one, the one the others always turn to for answers about anything. She will never understand Quidditch however nor why both boys are thoroughly obsessed.

Even though Hermione will pretend not to be offended by words such as ‘mudblood’ she is very sensitive. She is proud of her heritage and hates that its looked down upon. This may be one of the reasons she continues to work hard in everything that she does; she’s proving herself to everyone - that even though they may have ‘clean’ blood she’s smarter than the whole lot of them.

She is an individual by all means. She wants to do everything for herself and rarely asks others to assist her unless she truly needs them too. She does not follow the crowd and has no desire to. She has a very developed sense of what is right and what is wrong. If she see things that she thinks are immoral she will go out of her way to try and put an end to it. She definitely tends to have a bossy side to her - she has the best intentions at heart however.


Parents?  Jean and Michael Granger (I could not find her parents names, I didn’t know if they were mentioned in the books or not)
Siblings? None
Family dynamics--do they get along?  Opposite sides of the war?  Accept their child's magical talent?  Pressure for 'pure blood' marriage? Hermione’s parents, although they will never be a part of the wizarding world, supported their daughter and accepted her magical abilities. They got along fabulously until her parents were both murdered. Hermione still suffers greatly from this and can lead her to have episodes of depression.


Occupation: Hermione Granger is looking to be a teacher at Hogwarts. She has a lot of knowledge and wants to share it. She would really enjoy teaching Muggle Studies to wizards and would be able to teach it efficiently. However at the moment she is a teacher's assistant for Remus Lupin and is highly enjoying the experience.
Residence: Harry Potter’s flat
Financial Status:  A fairly decent salary. It allows her some extra spending money and get the necessities.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: include any affiliations since Hogwarts, jobs, family life, significant events in the character's recent history, how was this character affected by the war, how does your character feel about the present political climate?

Hermione Granger had met the two boys that would forever changer her life on the Hogwarts Express on her first visit to Hogwarts. She of course recognized who Harry was but she didn’t know Ronald. At first, the two boys made fun of her and found her extremely annoying. But after an experience with a troll the three bonded and became inseperable.

During all of her years at Hogwarts she had more adventures than she had ever dreamed of having. From helping Harry and Ron with the Sorcerer’s Stone, being Petrified by a basilisk, saving a convicted murderer, and everything else that flew their way. It made the three bonded for life and they always would be.

However one thing happened towards the end of Hermione’s school years that changed everything for her. She began to fall in love with one of her best friends, Ronald Weasley. Although she suspects that the feelings started way before she realized what they were. They’ve been having an on and off relationship ever since. Hermione tries to get over him but is unable to do so yet. However she still has Harry, whom she lives with in his flat. Nothing has happened though, just friends.

The death of Hermione's parents was indeed heartbreaking and has taken its toll on the young woman. She is reluctant to talk about it even though it clouds her everyday thoughts. The images of her parents faces in her own mind brings her close to tears.

After getting her NEWTs and leaving school, she is an assistant teacher for Remus Lupin at school and is highly enjoying do so. She thinks that teaching may be her calling but she is unsure about teaching DADA. She believes that Muggle Studies would be something that interests her more.

As for her political view, she just wants peace among muggle born and wizarding kind. She thinks that if she doesn’t get the job at Hogwarts she would love to work for a department in the Ministry that works with muggles. She also wants peace and rights given to magical creatures. When it comes to things that she believes in she is not one to idly sit on the sidelines - she insists on taking action.

How does he/she feel about the more infamous events and people in the world around him/her?

Harry Potter and his victory over Voldemort?  Hermione is of course very proud of her friend for finally getting rid of Voldermort. It took some time but the three of them together had finally made him weak enough for Harry to finish him off.

Dumbledore and his murder by Severus Snape?  Hermione had always been the more rational one when it came to Severus Snape. She believed that if Dumbledore trusted him than that should have been enough for everyone. She has no problems with him now and has even helped him find a present on ebay.

Lucius Malfoy's pardon and book publication?   Hermione has only pure hatred for the Malfoy family. It’s exactly the sort of thing they’d do and she wasn’t surprised by it at all - disgusted but not surprised.

Snape's pardon and appointment back to his old job at Hogwarts?  She has no problem with Snape being pardoned and is glad that he was not allowed to have the DADA class. One because it was just what Dumbledore had never wanted for Snape to have, just in case it did bring something back, but him teaching there doesn't bother her.

The Registry?  Hermionie thinks this is utterly ridiculous. And is full of anger at the very thought of it all. She wishes she could light the whole lot of it on fire.

Werewolf Remus Lupin's job at Hogwarts?  Hermione is excited about Lupin’s job at Hogwarts. He was really needing the work and was a brilliant teacher when he taught them in her third year. She couldn’t be happier for him. Also she gets to help him, so that's another plus.

Bellatrix' capture, insanity defence, followed by her "cure" and release from St. Mungo's? etc. Disgusted. She thinks that wizards should be smarter than that. Honestly, of course Bellatrix was insane but she isn’t looking to get that fixed.

What plots would you like to pursue with this character?  What short and long-term goals does the character have for his/her future?  Definitely see a relationship in her future. Not sure how it will go though, because if she’s not completely head over heels for the guy she is unlikely to be able to commit because her mind will always go back to Ron. She is also quite determined to fight for equal rights for muggleborns and magical creatures that are deemed less worthy than wizards, such as house elves. She can see herself trying to get involved with the Ministry in order to help strive for equality in the wizarding world.

Once you start playing the game and get a feel for your fellow players and characters, assuming the interaction is favourable, how long could you anticipate staying with this character and this game?  What is your usual pattern of longevity in role-playing games?

I am online almost all day except for when I have classes. I usually stay on RP games for a very extensive period of time.

What is your usual pattern of availabilty and play-time for a character and game which you enjoy?

Like I said, I’m online all of the time. Usually not after midnight on school nights though and this is Eastern Time.

Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got!  Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

Sample Journal Entry

Have you ever felt like there was just something you couldn’t get over no matter how hard you try? That’s how I feel right now. I’m not sure why I’m writing this as though I expect you to talk back (believe me, I don’t want any journals talking back to me after my second year). But I just can’t seem to get over what happened to my parents. I can just picture them dying and it’s the most terrible image that has ever been inside of my head. What do I do? How do I get over something like that? Is there really an answer for any of these questions? Well, I guess I’ll figure it out someday but for now I’m going to have to just be miserable whenever I think about it.

It’s been nice here living with Harry. I knew that it would be. He’s my best friend and one of the people I’ve never been romantically interested in. Which is a very good thing because I could imagine it being awkward to live with Ron when we’ve been dating on and off for Merlin knows how long. Life is getting a bit frustrating really. But its nothing compared to the other stuff that ‘the trio’ has been through.

I had a lovely day traveling to Diagon Alley however. I went to the Leaky Cauldron and had a nice warm butterbeer. I even saw one of my old mates from school there. But when I went to get money out of Gringotts that’s when I was reminded of my parents. And that’s why I’m writing in here now. I just had to get that out.

- Hermione

Sample Third-Person Writing

Hermione Granger was sprawled out on her bed, reading a rather dry book about the history of house elves and their enslavement throughout wizarding history. She found it mildy interesting but kept absentmindedly staring off out of her window and the warm blue skies outside. There were big, white fluffy clouds framing the afternoon sky. She sighed, putting down her book and walked over to the window pane.

To be honest, she was looking outside because she was expecting an owl from Luna Lovegood. She had written the girl the night before and was hoping for a quick reply. The letter held nothing of importance, it was merely a letter intended to get Hermione caught up with the things that were going on in Luna’s life. She hadn’t been expectionally close to Luna during her school years but after the Final Battle she had grown especially fond of her.

She resigned from her post at the window, sighing as she returned to her original position on her bed. Her mind immediately flashed to the one person who never seemed to leave her thoughts, Ron. The last she had heard from him he was rather busy working at the shop with George. She couldn’t help but wonder if he thought about her like she thought about him. But of course she would never say anything to him about it unless he brought it up first.

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