(no subject)

Jan 26, 2007 18:46

Part One- Personal
Name: Jessie
Character's Name: (who you are applying for) Dean Michael Thomas

Email: beatlejessie@yahoo.com
AIM: JessBeatle
Other Instant Messenger Programs: Y! beatlejessie
AGE:(Must be 18+) 26
Past Rpg Experience: FI since June 
Where did you hear about our RPG? Originally from Eve.

The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game. You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you. This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.

Having said that, please tell us you you feel about:

Het, slash and femmeslash: Not a problem, it's better when it's done well and advances the plot.
NC-17 material: see above
Violence: Violent is inherent in the HP-verse. It would be silly to think otherwise!

Part Two- Character Info
Character Name: Dean Michael Thomas
Age: 21
Birthday: November 18, 1979
Wand: Elm and Dragon Heartstring, 12 ½”
House in School: Gryffindor
Bloodline: (Pureblood,Half-blood, Muggle born) as far as Dean knows, he is Muggle-born.
Political View: Dean supported the Light, but as he dropped out of the wizarding world for a few years, didn’t take any real action either way. From what he has read in the papers, he doesn’t think the Ministry is handling things very well at this point.

Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 160
Build: Athletic, with wide shoulders
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Black, kept very short
Dress style: Dean dresses to impress- he has gotten used to wearing a suit for work, and wears collared shirts and nice trousers most of the time. Occasionally he will “dress down” in denims & a polo shirt.
Discerning Marks: has a birthmark just above his upper lip on the right side. Usually sports a bit of a mustache.
PB:(Played By--this is the actor, actress or model you will be using for your character icon in the game.) Dulé Hill
Sexuality: (include details about sexual orientation, history, and give valid reasons for your character being gay/bisexual/straight/transgendered) Dean is straight. He was first drawn to more exotic-type beauty (thought the Patil twins were the best-looking 4th year girls), but that changed when he started noticing a certain redheaded Gryffindor during D.A. meetings. He enjoyed going out with Ginny, but was not overly upset when they broke up. In the past few years, he hasn’t dated much - he was with a Muggle girl for about 3 months, but as he couldn’t tell her about a large part of his life, it just really didn’t work out.

Introvert/Extrovert Dean is definitely an extrovert. He is very easygoing, and enjoys being around people and making friends. If you are a close friend he is extremely loyal, and as with his family, will do anything in his power to help you. He is also very honest, which sometimes means that he speaks without thinking- though he has gotten better about this as he has gotten older.
Boggart is? Explain. When he was younger, his boggart was a severed hand (due to an image seen when he and a few friends snuck into a horror film one summer). Now it is his younger siblings laying on the ground, dead, as he found his parents.
Patronus--can they produce one? What is it and why does it have that form? A true Gryffindor at heart, Dean’s patronus takes the form of a lion.

Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life.
Strengths: Dean is honest and hardworking. When he is interested in something, he will throw himself into in wholeheartedly. His magical strengths lie in the area of building spells, specifically in combining already existing charms to make them stronger. He has a good sense of humor, and is a good athlete, although lately he has been playing football more often than Quidditch.

Weaknesses: It is very easy to tell what Dean is feeling - he wears his heart on his sleeve, as the saying goes. And, as it goes against his honest streak, he finds it difficult to lie to people.

Likes: West Ham Football, the Kenmare Kestrels (thanks in large part to his best friend Seamus never shutting up about them!), Chinese food, and drawing.

Dislikes: There are not many things that Dean truly dislikes. He was never overly fond of potions, though that was mainly due to Snape’s treatment of the Gryffindors.

General Outlook: For most of his life, Dean had been happy. After his parents’ death, however, he has descended into a mild depression. He still has some good times - playing a game of football in the park with a few mates, visiting with his siblings - but for the most part he just goes through the day without noticing much. He hates his current job, mainly because even though it’s been nearly three years since his parents died, half the days he still expects to see his dad walk into the office. Recently he has started to realize that he is not happy with his life.

Parents? Gilbert & Sandra Hoffman (both deceased) Gilbert was actually his stepfather- his biological father, Martin Thomas, disappeared when Dean was 6 months old. Sandra remarried when Dean was 6, and Gilbert was the only father he’d ever known.
Siblings? (Half) Sisters Mia & Megan were born when Dean was 9, and (half) brother Neil 3 years later.
Family dynamics--do they get along? Opposite sides of the war? Accept their child's magical talent? Pressure for 'pure blood' marriage? Dean was close with his family, even though his siblings were quite a bit younger. They were all surprised when his Hogwarts letter arrived, but his parents decided to let him attend. None of his siblings have turned out to be magical, though. After his parents’ death, Dean did his best to care for his brother and sisters.

Occupation: clerk in a solicitor’s office in Muggle London
Residence: a small flat in London
Financial Status: has saved a bit of money, and received some inheritance when his parents died, although most of that went into caring for his siblings.

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: (include any affiliations since Hogwarts, jobs, family life, significant events in the character's recent history, how was this character affected by the war?etc.)
Dean had a happy childhood growing up in London. His father was a solicitor, and his mum taught in a primary school. Dean was always an average student, doing well in subjects he enjoyed and not really caring too much about the rest. He started drawing at an early age and also played football. He had been accepted to the City of London School when his Hogwarts letter arrived. Dean and the rest of his family were quite shocked to find out he was a wizard (he had never shown any real ‘magical’ traits). After quite a few long talks with his parents, they decided to allow Dean to attend Hogwarts.

Hogwarts was more wonderful than Dean ever could have imagined. All the classes were interesting, though he quickly learned his strong subjects were Charms and Transfiguration. He usually did well in DADA as well, mostly due to his affiliation with the D.A. during his 5th year. Dean got along well with all his fellow Gryffindors, but Seamus Finnigan quickly became his closest friend, at first because he was able to explain a lot of things about the Wizarding world! Though not quite understanding the lure of Quidditch during his first year, Dean quickly took to the sport, and enjoyed his time spent on the Gryffindor house team as the replacement chaser for Katie Bell during 6th year and in a permanent spot during 7th year. He took N.E.W.T.s in Arithmancy, Charms, Transfiguration, and DADA with the idea of doing something along the lines of spell-building or curse-breaking after leaving Hogwarts.

However, that dream quickly faded near the end of the summer after his 7th year. Dean had been working as a clerk in his father’s office, and stayed late to help one of the other solicitors with some files. When he arrived home, it was to find his house in ruins, both parents killed, and the Dark Mark hovering overhead. The only solace Dean found was the fact that his brother and sisters had all been out of the house at the time. Dean blamed himself for his parents’ death, knowing that the only reason Death Eaters would have come after his family was because he was a Muggle-born wizard.

After the attack, Dean all but dropped out of the Wizarding world. He continued working as a clerk, and for a while tried to care for his siblings. However, as they were still quite young (Neil was 7 and the twins were 10) Dean eventually had to relent to pressure from his relatives and sent them to live with an aunt and uncle in Swindon. He misses them terribly, and spends most weekends visiting them. He has basically been living as a Muggle for the past two years, though he does get the Prophet once a week.

Dean has also spent a lot of time lately searching for his biological father, Martin Thomas. However, he has been unable to find any record of him (living or not) in the Muggle world. This, along with a few things his mother once mentioned, have made him think that his father could possibly be a wizard, if he is still living.

What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What goals does the character have?Dean has been living as a Muggle for a while, but would like to get back into the wizarding world. He has been doing a lot of research into his biological father, and having found no traceable sign of him out in the Muggle world, Dean would like to find out if his father could possibly have been a wizard, and if so, what happened to him.

Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got! Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

Sample Journal Entry:
Wow, I had forgotten all about this thing! Oh wasn’t there supposed to be -

(private to self)
Yes, now I remember. Much better. Don’t need every gossipy old witch in the country reading my thoughts! Not that I’m all that interesting, but still…

It’s amazing that there are still gossipy old witches about. We spent so much of 7th year just worried and afraid - with Dumbledore gone, and not hearing anything about Harry, Ron or Hermione… and yet now, everything is back to normal. Except for me, it seems. I hate my job - there, I actually said it! I mean, this is not what I wanted to do with my life! Why have I been so afraid to go back? Honestly, this is a bit ridiculous. And my friends - I mean, Rick and Matt are great blokes, but they’ll tell stories about school, and of course I can tell them nothing about all the things I did- they’d think I’d gone round the twist! As a matter of fact…

(private to Seamus)
Hi! How have you been? Sorry I’ve been such a prat-
How’s life been treating you? It’s been ages, I know - totally my fault. If you’re not busy - Up for a drink some time?


Sample Third Person Writing:
Dean looked up from the Sunday London Times when he heard a familiar tapping on his windowpane. He got up, crossed the few steps across his kitchen and opened the window, allowing a large tawny owl to swoop in and land on the table. The owl dropped the folded-up copy of the Prophet on the table, then looked up at Dean expectantly. Dean reached into a small bag on the counter, and dropped the knuts and sickles into the bag on the bird’s leg. After hooting softly, the owl flew back out the window, and Dean returned to his seat. It was strange, really - there were days when Dean forgot about magic completely - he was just your average Londoner, riding the Tube to and from work, stopping in at the corner pub, playing football with the guys who lived upstairs. Every Sunday morning, however, he was brought back into that world he had left. You left for a good reason, he thought to himself. Still, he knew that the wizards who had taken away his family were dead, in Azkaban, or in hiding.

The past few weeks, he had been thinking a lot about the magical world that he had left. He had actually been reading the Prophets that were delivered, instead of just piling them up in a corner (as he had for nearly 6 months). He glanced towards the large trunk that was currently serving as a coffee table in the center of his front room - in it were all the remnants of his old life - his wand and the few books that had survived the attack on his parents’ home. Maybe it’s been long enough, he thought, as he got out of his chair and moved towards the trunk.
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