Application for Daphne Greengrass.

Sep 11, 2006 19:29

Here goes.

Part One- Personal
Name: Mikell
Character's Name: (who you are applying for) Daphne Greengrass

AIM: touchedandchosen
Other Instant Messenger Programs: [MSN], [Y!] touchedandchosen
AGE:(Must be 18+) 18
Past Rpg Experience: I’ve played a few at Y! that flopped, and I am currently the_keyness at aternaville.
Where did you hear about our RPG? hp_rpg_ads, I think. Might've been the rpg_prophet.

The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game. You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you. This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.

Having said that, please tell us you you feel about:
Het, slash and femmeslash:
NC-17 material:

Whatever happens, happens. I have no problem with any of them, and if the need arises, it’s cool with me.

Part Two- Character Info
Character Name: Daphne Greengrass [she has no middle name]
Age: 20
Birthday: November 4, 1979
Wand: Maple, 13", Unicorn hair
House in School: Slytherin
Bloodline: Pureblood
Political View: There is such a thing as saying what the public wants to hear. Daphne has long ago learned this, and it is a skill she’d like to say she’s perfected. While she does support the Ministry, it cannot be forgotten that she is a Pureblood, and that she holds their values. Some even believe that her support of the Ministry is nothing more than a cover up. Still, she doesn’t believe in mixing company, and some of her views may be similar to those of Death Eaters, but she has never supported them.

Height: 5’ 8”
Weight: 123. It fluctuates.
Build: Slim, slightly curvy. She’s slightly long-legged and she likes to remain somewhere in the area of fit, without being too fit.
Eyes: Blue, slightly aqua - bright.
Hair: Long and brown, could be verging on black.
Dress style: She dresses to fit the occasion. At the moment, it may be a simple - not too simple of course, because she does nothing simple - skirt and silk blouse. Depending on the importance of an event, she may wear a robe. If alone at her home, or intending to do something she considers fun, she may adorn something similar to Muggle clothing.
Discerning Marks: Her face is soft, not too angular, or at all, really. Her eyes are wide, and her eyebrows arched. Her lips aren’t thin, full more than anything else. She tends to not wear much makeup, settling for only dark eye shadow and lipstick. Her hair passes her shoulders and is mostly worn in curly waves, though on occasion, she may have it straight. Her style is casual. Whether business casual, or having fun, she makes sure to fit the occasion.
PB: Michelle Trachtenberg.
Sexuality: Daphne has never given her sexuality a second thought. She’s never had a reason to. In all of her history at Hogwarts, she’s never had a serious relationship, nor has she found anyone she cared enough for to try one. After school, she never had a chance for a relationship, more concerned with the war and surviving it. Although she’s thought about her future many a time, she’s never thought of being married, or of having children. While there is a possibility of that happening one day, there is also a similar chance that she may not, and that she may find herself somewhere completely different. Only time will tell if she ever chooses one way or another.

Introvert/Extrovert She’s an introvert. There is not really a reason for anyone to know any of her business or how she feels, and she may not be inclined to tell anyone, outside of her few friends, what’s wrong. Of course, since there are always two sides to a coin, there are times when she shows potential of being an extrovert. This only happens when she’s particularly pissed off at someone, or if she’s intentionally trying to hurt them - which she may do, especially if she’s hurt.

Boggart is? Explain. PLEASE NOTE: A Boggart assumes the shape of a *creature* or physical object. This is not the same as a Dementor Effect - it cannot be something vague like 'loneliness' or 'sadness' or 'darkness'. It must have shape and form. Her Boggart is herself. It’s a paradox in that way. To be more specific, her Boggart is the image of herself, noticeably older, and alone. While she likes to keep to herself, she doesn’t want to end up lonely, and she may just be a little afraid that she’ll end up that way.

Patronus--can they produce one? What is it and why does it have that form? Again, please note, as per canon - a Patronus is a *creature* of some kind. We have been very flexible as to allow fictional creatures to be Patronuses, but it cannot be an inanimate object. A Beater's Bat cannot be a Patronus. Daphne has never tried to cast a Patronus. She highly doubts she has the power needed, and she has never faced a Dementor. However, if she ever tried, she’d find that she is indeed able to produce one, and it would be the shape of a unicorn. Unicorns have always been something Daphne has admired, with their sleek beauty and mystery. They have something she sees a bit of herself in.

Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life. She’s opinionated. She knows what she wants, and she knows how to get it. She has goals in life, and she wants to make sure she gets there. This is part of the reason for her being sorted into Slytherin. There are times when she can be ruthless, but they are far and few in-between, and a complete rarity. While her opinions are a strength that helped make her who she is, it’s also part of the reason for why she has a desk job at the Ministry. That and what she believes is a flawed system. She has a few slight issues with authority, and there can and will probably be a few times where she is absolutely clueless as to someone else’s feelings, or that she is hurting them.

Daphne never has, and never will, believe in mixing the Muggle world with that of Wizards. While she may pick up a few habits from anyone of the very few people she talks to that aren’t Pureblood, she doesn’t want wizards to lose their purity. She believes that as long as the Ministry realizes the fault of the worlds mixing and tries to bring change, then everything will be fine.

There are some things she is not proud of. Of course, none of them are all too serious and are superficial at best, but they are things she hates to admit to. She doesn’t plan to, however. The most disgusting of the list, is her habit of snorting when she’s disbelieving of something. She’s managed to curve it a bit during the years, but it will take a great many more before she completely wipes the habit away. She’s also not too proud of her habit of chipping and/or biting her nails when she’s nervous. She keeps a tiny book of cosmetic spells on hand and in her purse/robe pocket, just in case she manages to do something horrendous, like bite her nails, at an important event.

Daphne was never a Death Eater, choosing instead that being an Auror, working for the Ministry would suit her better. And it has, but she isn’t finished yet. She is driven, determined to work her way back to the top of the Ministry in hopes that she can get exactly what she wants for her world, what she thinks it deserves.

Parents? Her father is Jonas Greengrass, a man who, while he seeded many of the pureblood supremacist thoughts his daughter has, has always taught her to decide for herself, and work to her own advantage. Her mother, Aurora Lauer Greengrass, a woman who taught her daughter to never let herself be helpless and who gave Daphne a push in her opinionated personality.
Siblings? She has none, and is grateful for that, or she’d be less important to her parents.
Family dynamics--do they get along? Opposite sides of the war? Accept their child's magical talent? Pressure for 'pure blood' marriage? Daphne and her parents have a good relationship. They talk every once in a while, and never has anything devastating ever happened to their family to divide them. Her parents have the same values as she, for she never saw a reason to develop anything other than what her family has always told her. Her magic talent has never been anything to be disappointed in and Jonas believes that there may be more to his daughter if she tried to do more than what was needed for the moment (i.e. her Patronus). While Aurora is waiting for the day her daughter can dress in a white robe for the privilege of changing her name to an upstanding Pureblood name, she is not holding her breath, for she knows how her daughter works and the how unlikely it is that a wedding will ever happen. A woman can dream, though.

Occupation: Auror (but currently demoted)
Residence: She’s taken hold of her trust fund, and has decided to live somewhere classy. An expensive flat in a wealthy part of a town, where she doesn’t have to worry about seeing many of the ruffians she knows from either work or Hogwarts, and can be in peace, most of the time.
Financial Status: Upper Middle Class

History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: (include any affiliations since Hogwarts, jobs, family life, significant events in the character's recent history, how was this character affected by the war?etc.)

Aurora and Jonas Greengrass only wanted one child, and she came to them in the year of 1979. They named her Daphne, and treated her to everything they could buy, leaving with her with not too many limits in life. She grew up, knowing who she was, what she was, and the importance of all that, never once faltering or feeling like she was less than she was.

She took this grand personality to Hogwarts, where she refined it, having been sorted into Slytherin. It was nothing less than expected of her, her parents having been Slytherin, and their parents, stretching way back when to when the patriarchs of the Greengrass and Lauer families first attended Hogwarts and was, predictably, sorted into Slytherin. Coincidentally, that was the only thing to ever make Daphne nervous as she wondered whether she’d even get into Slytherin, or would she be put in some other house and be an embarrassment.

Thankfully, she was not, and she moved throughout her seven years at Hogwarts, being nothing but herself to those she knew and interacted with, doing only what was needed to pass. Her father believes, as it is a father’s love for his daughter, that if she actually applied herself, she could have been a prefect. However, that was not important to her, and it never bothered her that she wasn’t one. She didn’t need it to validate herself.

She steered clear of the war, knowing her beliefs, but not ready to die for them, as she’d been taught. She took many vacations, and spent much of her time with her mother at the glorious Greengrass mansion, until she decided that she needed to do something. Sitting around and waiting was making her bite her fingernails (which is where she caught the nasty habit). She needed a challenge, and she needed something that she could do, if only to keep herself from becoming like ninety percent of the people she knew. Also, she knew where the war was headed, and she wanted to be ready for the changes.

She became an Auror. It could not last, however, and all was ruined because of one owl her father received from some Death Eater she had no recollection of. She’d had no idea her father had Death Eater connections, and her career could only go downhill from there. They slapped her name onto that disgusting list of all the people in some way related to Death Eaters, placing her on that list with people who had actually been involved in the war, and were related. She didn’t care what the Ministry said; that letter was a lie. It had to be. And they couldn’t do this to her. They couldn’t take the one thing she actually wanted to work for her in her life -

But they did. And the only thing Daphne really wants is to get it back. She’ll do whatever it takes to clear her father’s name, change her status and make it to the top - and then, she’ll make changes that she likes. Whether she'll actually get that chance is up to the future.

What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What goals does the character have?

Daphne’s main goal at the moment is to discern whether her father is telling the truth about the letter - which he probably is. Also, her attempt to regain what was wrongfully stolen from her. Seeing as Daphne doesn’t have too many goals, I think that’s it, outside of eventually pushing her towards romance.

Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got! Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

Sample Journal Entry:

I always thought the Ministry knew what it was doing. When I was child, I had that blind belief, I believe it’s called faith, that the Ministry would come out on top, and my parents wouldn’t have to worry and worry about the future. Of course, I never worry about the future, because you will never know if it actually comes.

This thing I used to have, that faith, where I thought the Ministry was handling everything the right way and that Harry Potter and his fools were being bumbling idiots...I held onto that for five whole years. Five whole years as I thought of becoming an Auror, working for the Ministry, helping the system I trusted so much.

This may not come as a surprise, but I have long since left that naïve way of thinking behind. I have long ago shed the stupid hope I had that I could be apart of something like that, something that I now realize is so very flawed. Something I very much want to change, for the better, and the better of very other person on that damned Registry.

I don’t belong there. No Greengrass has ever made an affiliation, and we never will. I never will. Except this list that they so nicely put me on, changes everything. My name, my parents’ names, put onto a list where we don’t belong. A list I won’t let us belong on. I believe I’ve been passive for long enough.

Sample Third Person Writing:

It’s another day, Daphne thought to herself tiredly as she reached her floor. Another day, sure to be filled with the anger, resentment and embarrassment of not being where I should, but behind a desk.

She talked through the halls quickly, not wanting to be stopped, and not wanting to talk to anyone. Months of taking this job, and it was starting to get to her. She was very liable, now that she’d finally rationalized what was wrong in her life, to lash out at someone. At this current moment, she couldn’t be bothered to care who that person happened to be. She just needed -

Peace and quiet. Peace and quiet and to not be surrounded by four walls. If I have to spend eight hours here and most likely have to be here well into the night, I will kill someone. Everyone, maybe. And then they can truly say I belong on that ruddy list.

She reached her desk and hoped that the thudding sound of her bag on the worn wood was enough of an indication that now would not be the right time to approach her.

She need to think, and figure out how she would fix everything, how she would fix this mess she had, get her family’s name out of the mud it was being dragged through.

She sat down in her chair, not with the grace she had, but with the lack thereof. She was tired. Very tired…and very busy, she thought to herself as she noticed the tiny mountain of paperwork on her desk.

Change would come, she told herself, sighing and reaching for the first folder. Change would come, and she would be the cause of it. It was motivation enough.

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