Prompt Post No. 19

Nov 09, 2011 21:34

Welcome to Round 19 of the Inception Kink Meme.

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round 19, prompt post

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Fill 2/? anonymous March 19 2012, 22:22:37 UTC
Saito’s office was located at the back of the sprawling floor plan. Dreamshare had two main studios that they used for filming. One was set like a bedroom with a huge king-sized bed. Mal had designed the back two walls as large, open French doorway so that the techs could easily move furniture in and out, depending on what the scene called for. The other room was set as a living room, with a large, black leather sofa. As Eames walked back towards the pool area, he could tell from the voices that the living room set was being used. The sound of Mal’s lightly accented voice came over the small audio enhancement microphone she wore. “Non! You must be a little more forceful. We need to see him straining just enough against your hold on his wrists. Yes. Exactly. Very nice, Dom.” The light that signified that they were filming wasn’t on, so Eames poked his head inside to see if maybe he could borrow a phone from someone.

What he saw froze him in his tracks. Eames stood there for at least thirty seconds before he remembered to move.

Arthur’s lithe body was bent at what would be for anyone else, an unnatural angle. His knees were resting on one end of a coffee table, with his hands braced on the seat of the leather couch. He was facing Eames, with his head turned to look back over at his shoulder at Mal, exposing the long, graceful curve of his throat. Arthur’s wiry body seemed comfortable holding a pose that would have killed Eames’ knees while the production crew blocked the scene, setting it for the different lighting needed so that nothing would be in shadow for the cameras.

A man that Eames didn’t know was half kneeling behind Arthur. He was built, blonde and squinting a little down at the curve of Arthur’s spine. Eames watched as the other man licked his lips, and couldn’t help the way his eyes narrowed. The man shifted slightly on the couch, drawing Mal’s attention. She blinked at seeing Eames, a small smile on her face.

“Eames! What are you doing here so early?”

Eames managed to school his face into something a little more suited for his director and smiled back at her. “Mal, my pet, I didn’t know that I was early. In fact, I thought that I was a bit late!”

“Didn’t our Ariadne email you?” Mal’s generous mouth pulled down in a frown as she walked over to where Eames was standing, kissing him on both cheeks.

“Phone’s dead.” Eames smiled. “She said that Saito was waiting for me?”

“Yes. But not for a few minutes. Have you met Dom?” She grabbed his arm, turning so that she could introduce the man on the couch.
“Mr. Eames. A pleasure to meet you. I’m a big fan of your work.”
Eames tried not to notice the way Dom causally rested his hand on the small of Arthur’s back as he leaned forward, squinting slightly with his bright flash of smile as he held out his hand. Mal tisked under her breath when her phone rang and stepped slightly away from them, talking low in French. Eames took Dom’s hand on autopilot, shaking twice.

“Hey, Eames.”

Eames nodded at Arthur, still a bit narked at himself for the purely possessive reaction. It threw him for a loop. He and Arthur had worked together for almost a year now. In all that time, Eames had seen Arthur fuck and be fucked by several different people. Eames didn’t like the way he reacted. He was pretty sure that the faintly proprietary air towards a coworker was frowned upon in the porn industry, and it was bugging him that he was feeling like this.

“Arthur, darling. You’re looking precious as usual.” The ‘darling’ slipped out before Eames could stop himself. He quickly focused back on Dom, forcing a bright smile. “Pleasure is mine. You’re working with Arthur, here?” Between being late, finding out he’d been fucking replaced, and the stress of meeting with the bloody boss Eames was definitely off of his game. He hoped his words hadn’t sound as false out loud as they did in his head.

Dreamshare Films employed five different actors of all body types and sizes. While they did specialize in male gay film, they did occasionally have a need for a woman, depending on what was requested on the internet. Usually when that happened, they had Debbie in accounting fill in.



Re: Fill 2/? anonymous March 19 2012, 22:25:42 UTC
Damn it.. sorry about not spacing out the paragraphs. I thought I got them all!


Re: Fill 2/? rascalthemutant March 19 2012, 23:34:24 UTC
Porn stars! \o/ I'm captivated. *chin hands*


Re: Fill 2/? anonymous March 20 2012, 02:25:17 UTC
I'm really enjoying this so far!! Can't wait to read more!


Fill 3/? anonymous March 21 2012, 18:25:04 UTC
“Sure am. It’s pretty wild, man. I mean… I’ve paid for you two to fuck before. Working here is kind of a dream of mine.”

Eames kept his face straight as Arthur rolled his eyes; looking down at the black coffee table, then back up at Eames.

“That’s lovely.” Eames was saved at having to make any more awkward attempts at speaking by Mal returning back to the conversation, pulling him along. He nodded goodbye and allowed her to pull him away, noticing that as soon as Mal left, the techs practically swarmed over Arthur and Dom, blocking the next part of the scene.


Eames waited until they were out of earshot before replying. “He’s a bit… anxious.”

“Oh shut up. When I first cast you with Killian you practically came before he touched you.” Mal smirked.

Eames gave her a dirty look. “That is because his cock was the size of my bloody forearm. You’d come too.”

“Ah… the good old days. You can surely remember being utterly cockstruck, yes?”

“Of course. But…”

Mal stopped walking, stepping out of the way of the distracted sound engineer, who almost whacked them both with a boom mike.


“Oh. It’s nothing. Look, I better not keep Mr. Saito waiting, yeah? I’ll see you in a bit.” Eames kissed her forehead and moved down the hall before she could reply, knowing that she’d be needed on the set. She knew him too damn well. If he kept on with this bloody mooning about, she’d either mock him mercilessly or worse, feel sorry for him.

But maybe he was just over-reacting. He had well-enjoyed being cast as the top to Arthur’s bottom. He and Arthur were friendly towards each other, although Eames didn’t know if he would call them friends per se. At least on Arthur’s part. Eames would offer to have drinks after dinner, or ask Arthur if he wanted to spend their down time playing one of the first-person shooter games that they both were so good at, but Arthur always had an excuse. Eventually Eames had just stopped asking.

Their jobs forced a certain sort of intimacy, naturally. Maybe Eames had just become complacent. Arthur was familiar. Eames knew how he moved, knew how he moaned and arched, how he sweat and begged and the way sometimes he’d bite his lip when he was trying so hard not to come, lost for a second in the sensation of heat and friction and Eames’ cock. Eames never took it personally, the same way Arthur never took it personally when Eames would groan at the feel of Arthur’s arse clenching around his dick, or when he would tilt Arthur’s body and push him into the position he wanted, desperate and on edge from not being able to come until Mal bloody well said he could. Sex was just something to do.
Something they did well, and were paid well because people liked to watch them have it.

Still, that didn’t explain his … reaction. It was their job to fuck other people. It made no sense that this particular fuck -the remembered flash of Dom’s hand on Arthur’s back made Eames grit his teeth- would have bothered Eames so damn much. Was still bothering him.

Eames turned at the hallway corner, knocking twice brusquely on the door. Throwing Dom into the mix … well. Dom was slightly prettier and more muscled than Eames. Eames grudgingly admitted that Dom’s face was almost perfectly symmetrical, rather than the mishmash of features that Eames had. Granted, Eames and Dom weren’t exactly alike, but there were enough similarities that Eames couldn’t help but feel that he was the old bull being put out to pasture. Dom wasn’t as tattooed as Eames, but the dragon curling from his hip down his leg had been striking. Eames could well-imagine how the dragon would writhe as Dom moved his hips.

Eames glared at the door, not even noticing that it was opening.

“Mr. Eames? Wonderful. Please come in.”



Re: Fill 3/? mysteryllama78 March 22 2012, 01:17:05 UTC
thanks for the update! i'm dying to know what saito is going to tell him


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