Prompt Post No. 9

Oct 15, 2010 00:00

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round 9, mod post, prompt post

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filled: Arthur's Laser Light Show 1/2 anonymous January 19 2011, 20:29:37 UTC
So, I hope this is what you wanted for this prompt.

The job was going smoothly. The ballroom was crowded with projections, but they all seemed to just be having a good time dancing and drinking. The subject was thoroughly entertained by Eames, who was in the form of a luscious red-head with ivory white skin and dazzling green eyes. Arthur was keeping an eye on everything, leaning against one wall with a champagne glass in one hand, still mostly full, and his eyes roving the crowd to watch of any sign of trouble from the projections.

While that was going on, Cobb was three levels below them breaking into the subjects vault. Albert Finkle didn’t have a militarized mind exactly, but he’d had some training. It was enough training for his mind to protect his secrets more than the average mind. Arthur’s research had been as thorough as possible after the Fischer job, and they were as prepared as they could be.

A new development they had for the job were earpieces in the form of wireless Bluetooth devices. It allowed them to communicate instantly. Cobb was giving a constant report on his progress. Arthur was listening with half an ear while the rest of his attention was split between Eames and the rest of the room.


Arthur jerked at Cobb’s exclamation. “What’s wrong?”

“Something we weren’t prepared for…again,” Cobb replied.

Arthur bristled a little at the jab, but filed it away to deal with later. The job was always more important than his personal feelings. “Stay calm. Eames, keep Finkle distracted.”

“Sure thing, darlin’. How about another glass of champagne?” Eames replied carefully in the sweet Southern Belle accent he’d adopted for his forgery, making it seem as if he was speaking to the subject.

Arthur pushed himself off the wall and zigzagged his way through the crowd and out of the ballroom. There were some stragglers in the halls, but none of them gave Arthur a second glance. He looked like he fit right in with the smooth, clean lines of his tailored tux and neatly slicked back hair. Arthur wasn’t really one for these kinds of events, but if push came to shove he could blend in easily.

As he went down the levels he had to be careful to wind his way through the blind spots of the security cameras until he finally spotted Cobb. The extractor was leaning against a wall fiddling with his totem when Arthur slipped into the camera blind spot. He could immediately see what the problem was.

Cobb had opened the vault and that had apparently been the easy part. What they hadn’t anticipated was the security measures that Finkle’s mind had conjured up inside the vault. Crisscrossing the room in a gorgeous, but unwelcome dance were green motion sensing lasers.

“What are we going to do?” Cobb asked.

Arthur eyed the lasers then glanced at Cobb. “You should go keep an eye on the projections in the ballroom.”

“What?” Cobb asked in surprise.

“Ya’ll be a doll and stay here while I go freshen up in the ladies room,” Arthur heard Eames say to Finkle.

“Do not come down here, Eames,” Arthur said.

“What’s going on?” Ariadne asked from somewhere in the ballroom.
Arthur sighed to himself. They had been taking cakewalk jobs since the Fischer inception and he was convinced that the team was starting to become a little too lax during operations. It appeared that a dressing down was going to be in order after they completed the job.

Turning his attention fully to the lasers he studied their movements. They danced beautifully across the floor and his highly trained eye quickly realized there was a pattern. Patterns were something Arthur had always been good at whether it was the daily patterns for a mark or patterns in numbers; it was just one thing that made Arthur the best point man in the business.

Ideally, Arthur would have liked to have had another hour to study the pattern and make sure he could get all the moves down. The only problem was that time was against them and Arthur knew it. He could practically feel the Kick breathing down his neck. He had to act.

“Hold this for me,” Arthur said as he stripped off his tie and then suit jacket, tossing them both to Eames as the forger slid into their hiding spot.


filled: Arthur's Laser Light Show 2/2 anonymous January 19 2011, 20:33:20 UTC
Eames caught both items and opened his mouth to ask what Arthur was up to when Arthur strode confidently to stand at the very edge of the laser field. Eames looked toward Cobb and imagined he probably had the same look of alarm on his face. He snapped his gaze back to the point man as Arthur reached into his pocket and pulled out an iPod shuffle and earbuds that had probably not been there seconds ago.

“Arthur, what are you doing?” Cobb demanded.

Arthur didn’t reply, simply fit the earbuds in place and rolled up his sleeves. Eames watched as he clipped the iPod firmly in place and then stilled completely. He could see Arthur’s chest expand and retract as he took slow, deep breaths and Eames had seen him do that more than once to center himself before pulling off some crazy stunt. Eames was intrigued.

Then, as if jolted into action, Arthur cart wheeled into the field. Beside Eames, Cobb gasped and swore. Eames could only watch as Arthur bent over backwards to avoid a laser before letting himself fall completely to the floor. A second later he kicked up, neatly avoiding another laser before lunging into a roll. He popped up, then fell back using one hand for support and then in the same breath twisted to the side and let himself fall completely to his stomach.

Eames gaped. He knew Arthur could move, but he’d never seen him move anything like that before. His breath stuttered as Arthur performed a perfect handstand with just one hand, with his feet coming down to just barely tap the small of his back. Eames had never gotten hard so fast in his life.

Arthur twisted, flipped, and twirled in ways that just didn’t seem humanly possible to Eames. The amount of balance and agility the moves required were just mind boggling and the fact that it was Arthur pulling it off…Eames realized that he may never stop being surprised by the enigmatic entity known as Arthur.

Cobb gasped as a laser came within centimeters of Arthur’s foot as he flipped forward to land on the top of the small metal box, about the size of a safety deposit box, in the center of the room. Carefully he stepped off of it and lifted it up, standing in the spot that it used to occupy. Eames held his breath as one of the lasers almost went over his toe before Arthur corrected his positioning.

“Jesus,” Cobb breathed.

“Did you know he could do that?” Eames asked, breathing as if he was the one who’d just danced his way through that maze.

“No,” Cobb said, shaking his head in wonder.

“Do you…” Eames trailed off as Arthur proceeded to slide two feet into the field of lasers.

It was like capoeria, Eames realized. He’d once seen a demonstration of it when he was in Brazil. It was a beautiful form and such a rare treat to see employed in the field. Eames wasn’t sure if what Arthur was doing was actual capoeria, but it was pure sex just the same. He could imagine Arthur bending and twisting for him in bed, but it was the thought of making Arthur lose control of that gorgeous body that made his cock twitch.

Arthur performed a perfectly executed handspring and landed outside of the vault. Eames stared and couldn’t have stopped staring if his life depended on it. All he could think about was getting that deceptively powerful body pinned under him, to let his mouth trace the trail of sweat down Arthur’s neck.

Cobb stood in shock, jaw almost on the floor, as Arthur nonchalantly handed him the metal box. Arthur then turned and retrieved his jacket and tie from Eames. With Arthur in reach, Eames reached out a pulled one of the earbuds from the point man’s ear and placed it in his own. He jerked in surprise at the sound of heavy guitars and bass and a very familiar voice.

“Arthur, did you really just perform the most bloody brilliant act of thievery I’ve ever seen while listening to…Ozzy Osbourne.”

Arthur smirked. “All aboard.”


not the op but anonymous January 20 2011, 03:46:29 UTC
ksfhadgkhsfg this is perfect


Re: filled: Arthur's Laser Light Show 2/2 night_reveals January 20 2011, 10:49:56 UTC
aih! aih! aih! duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh....

(that was the opening)


What a short and cute fill. May you be loved! :)


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