Prompt Post No. 9

Oct 15, 2010 00:00

* * * This round is now closed to new prompts. * * *

Welcome to Round 9 of the Inception Kink Meme. This post will be closed to new prompts once it reaches five thousand comments.

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round 9, mod post, prompt post

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Fill 2/? anonymous October 21 2010, 09:12:47 UTC
Accidentally posted the first part twice. Sorry about that.

Mr. and Mrs. Cobb’s Magic Dream Circus
where your wildest dreams come true

The first time Arthur had seen the sign, he’d ignored it entirely. What he was even doing at a carnival in the first place came as a bit of a question to him. He hated the rides, found the food to be unbearably greasy (or else unbearably sweet, depending on the item), and questioned the criminal records of most of the game attendants.

After meandering around the carnival grounds for half an hour - he’d really only come to try to stave off boredom, with no intent to actively participate as a carnival attendee - he passed the sign a second time. It was hideously tacky, if he really thought about it: curling gold script on an Arabian red background. Still, it did something for the eye; leant some Victorian ambiance to the otherwise wanting carnival with its creaking metal contraptions and fried foodstuffs.

“Bonsoir,” a voice had called, drawing Arthur’s attention down from the sign to the woman standing near the doorway of the little house it advertised. Her smile was mischievous, her eyes teasing, and her demeanor entirely alluring.

“Mrs. Cobb?” Arthur had asked, raising an eyebrow. He’d adjusted his suit coat over his arm, feeling fidgety under her gaze.

“Oui,” she’d replied. Her hand had caressed the doorway as she’d tilted her head in seeming curiosity. “Would you like to come in, dear?” she’d asked, her accented English confirming her as either a true Frenchwoman or a very gifted actress. “You’ve been staring at my sign for a very long time.”

“Have I?” Arthur had asked, feeling himself color dully.

Mrs. Cobb had then let out a little laughing breath, smiled, and gone inside without reply. And Arthur, feeling a rare stir of interest, had followed.



Re: Fill 2/? withalittlewit October 22 2010, 20:25:58 UTC

This is turning out EXACTLY as I hoped it would be and so much more. I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT WAIT FOR THE REST.


Anon Writer anonymous October 25 2010, 07:11:31 UTC
Glad to hear it! I will try to get more up in the next couple of days.


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