FOUND: GEN, Arthur-centric, Colourblind

Oct 23, 2011 12:59

Hi again!

I'm looking for a fic I read a a long while ago. It was about Arthur and Cobb (as friends and coworkers only) and Cobb one day realises Arthur is colourblind. His first time in a dream he was absurdly happy and excited because he hadn't seen colours for so long (or at all, can't remember). He doesn't tell anyone because it could be potentially used against him, and when Cobb finds out it makes him one of only two or three (Arthur included) to know.

Thank you (in advance) for any help you can give!!

ETA: Found. Link in comments, woop!

character: dom, genre: gen, scenario: arthur is color blind, * status: found, character: arthur

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