Arthur/Eames, Eames childhood, Eames as nobility,A/E origins, military background, past relationship

May 25, 2011 13:39

Hi, this is my first time posting, so if I don't do it right, please let me know. I'm looking desperately for a great A/E fic that is told from Eames POV and starts with a very vivid account of his childhood where he's at the hospital watching over his mother as she dies (I think he's about 10). His mother asks him to call a certain number. It turns out to be Eames' grandmother's number. The grandmother comes to the hospital and Eames' mother's dying wish is that the grandmother take care of Eames. It turns out she's a retired spy and a member of British nobility. She's worked with Miles and he shows up at Eames' mother's funeral with a young Mal.

Later, Eames joins the military, and gets assigned to a UK/US joint dreamsharing project by Miles. Memorably, he goes to Vegas first, has a wild time and then drives a classic American car to the base. That's how he meets Arthur, who is the US soldier most expert on the project. They spark and start a relationship, but when the project hits a wall because it becomes too dangerous to the dreamers, Eames is recalled back to England. He gives Arthur two numbers, if he wants to reach him or needs help: Miles' number and his grandmother's, but he doesn't tell Arthur that she is related to him.

Arthur doesn't contact Eames until a couple years later and then it's only to ask him to train Dom and Mal. Eames gets angry at Arthur because Eames thinks civilians shouldn't be exposed the dangers of dreamsharing, but Arthur blows him off. Eames decides to help Dom and Mal despite his better judgment. I can't remember all that follows, but in the end, Eames' foresight proves valid when Dom and Mal go too deep and Mal dies. When Eames joins the Fischer job, Arthur acts like he doesn't care about Eames anymore. When the job's over at the airport, Arthur just assumes that he can invite Eames over for a fling/one-nighter without actually fixing things between them, but Eames says, if you want me, come find me. He leads Arthur across continents until Eames returns to his grandmother's estate.

Arthur, now recognizing how his mistakes, finally shows up at the estate. It turns out that unbeknowst to Eames, Arthur had called the grandmother for help after the military project ended and knows her. It all ends with a sweet scene and happy ending. Whew! I know that was WAY too much info, but you know, specificity. ;) So, any ideas?
ETA: FOUND! link in comments.

scenario: young!eames, pairing: arthur/eames, scenario: military!eames, * status: found, time: post-inception, time: pre-inception, scenario: military!arthur, genre: back-story, scenario: past relationship, time: inception

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