Specific two fics...

Feb 13, 2011 17:03

Hello, I'm looking for two particular Arthur/Eames fics:

-the first one is an AU with Arthur having a young daughter and Eames being a kindergarten teacher or a teacher of some sort. I believe Eames was the teacher of Arthur's daughter.
-the second fic is set in the inception universe (I think) and it involves Arthur being  wary of Eames or something along that line...I do recall one scene, in the middle, where Arthur misunderstood Eames' intentions and he decided to give in to Eames but that wasn't what Eames wanted at all. There was another scene, near the end, where Arthur and Eames got together and Arthur tucked in a strand of Eames' hair absent-mindedly, to the shock of the other people they were working with.

Sorry for the vague descriptions, I've been trying to look for these fics for the longest time!

au: teacher!eames, au: daddy!arthur, pairing: arthur/eames, genre: au, scenario: miscommunication, genre: hurt/comfort

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