Jan 11, 2011 02:06
Hello all!
I'm looking for any fics that deal with a suicidal Eames (for whatever reason) but he doesn't actually go through with it, either because he gets stopped or because something changes and he decides not to. (It can be fully realized suicidal thoughts or just a vague, "life sux so live dangerously and don't care if I live or die"). I love slash but will take anything. I'm pretty new to the movie and the fandom but have been reading fics for the last couple of weeks and haven't really found anything like this. Is there anything out there?
Thanks in advance!
(Sorry if I tagged incorrectly or too much, wasn't quite sure what to tag this)
character: eames,
illness: depression,
genre: angst,
genre: slash,
scenario: hurt!eames