arthur/eames; established relationship/friendship

Jan 11, 2017 11:57

Hi all!

It's been a long time since I've dipped my toes in the Inception fandom, so I'm guessing I missed a lot of stellar fics while I was away. Anyway, I'm looking for any fics where Arthur and Eames have a long-standing, established relationship or friendship before Inception (which many of us take for canon anyway!), but people (newbies or outsiders like Ariadne) don't even realize it because of how they bicker. I'm thinking something like Enjambament's fics (which are amazing!). I love Outsider POV's where someone slowly realizes just how deep the connection between Eames and Arthur is.

Any fics that you think that sort of follow that theme would be loved!

Thanks guys!

scenario: established relationship, pairing: arthur/eames, character: arthur, genre: slash, character: ariadne, character: eames, genre: back-story, general search

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