[found] bdsm au, underage!eames, lawyer!arthur

Sep 23, 2012 17:36

Hello lovelies, I'm hoping you can help me find this au fic I'm looking for where Arthur is a big time lawyer and Eames in the teenage son of one of his employees. The story starts when Arthur has a Christmas party and Eames' parents end up forgetting him there (the parents are total dicks in this story). Eames starts spending more and more time at Arthur's place and away from his parents and eventually moves in with him.

Arthur is also a dom who refuses to sleep with Eames (who is a really great sub in the making) until he's eighteen. The story follows them working through their issues and Arthur teaching Eames a bit about being a sub while giving him a home to stay in.

A couple random details I remember about the story: Arthur builds Eames a gym in his basement. Eames goes into subspace for about 45 minutes when Arthur tells him to stay put one day, and it makes Arthur realize that Eames would be a perfect sub but he's too moral to do anything until he's eighteen. Eames has a younger step-sibling who his parents dote on while ignoring Eames.

When I was reading it, the story was posted kinkmeme style but it wasn't on the kinkmeme. It was on the author's journal, but all grouped on one post that she kept adding to, and the story was fucking loooong. I can remember it taking me over a day to read it all, there must have been more than 100 parts. I remember her saying that she had plans to one day edit it up and actually make it into a real story, but I don't know if that ever happened.

Can anyone help me out?
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