[FOUND] Arthur/Cobb, kinkmeme WIP, D/s 'verse, during inception

Jul 26, 2012 08:30

Well this is embarrassing.

A veeeeerrrry long time ago (at least a year), I was filling a prompt on the kinkmeme, and I lost the URL. I deleted it at some point, and I can't figure out how to navigate the delicious account any more. It was a D/s alternate universe, and the fic was called 'If your house is made of stone'. It's top!Arthur/sub!Cobb, not very romantic, and I think the last thing I posted was them getting ready to extract from Saito -- and Nash is a homophobe.

I was thinking I'd get back to it in a few weeks, once my current project is done, but um... I can't find it.

Does anyone know where it is? Please save me from trawling through the whole kinkmeme. Thanks!

pairing: arthur/dom, specific search, kink: top!arthur, * status: found, character: arthur, genre: slash, kink: dom!arthur, kink: dom/sub, time: inception, character: dom, genre: au

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