arthur/eames fic, arthur faints during sex (FOUND)

Apr 12, 2012 11:22

I prompted this on the kinkmeme, forgot which round it was, and I can't find the fill; I tried delicious and google search using keywords but to no avail :( Basically, the fic runs like this...

Arthur and Eames are someplace very hot. They're sharing a hotel room (established relationship). Arthur keeps complaining about the heat but Eames just teases him and doesn't take him seriously. Then they have some pretty hot sex, but as Arthur approaches climax a buzzing fills his ears. The heat's really getting to him. He tries to warn Eames, but he passes out when he comes and slumps onto Eames. He wakes up on the bed with a very worried Eames bending over him. And there's some joke about how Eames came in him while he was passed out because he didn't realize there was something wrong.

pairing: arthur/eames, illness: fainting, * status: found

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