I'd like to take a second to congratulate Every single one of you Ho damn guys, the sheer NUMBER OF PEOPLE playing in this fandom has made me so freakin' happy it's not even funny. Thank you, thank you, take some time, have a beer on Cobb- you earned it
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Comments 218
Internet Name viridian is my RL journal.
Favorite Inception Character Guh, um, all of the above? Cobb's story was just heart-wrenching and I empathized most with him. I ♥ Mal, obviously, and wanted to know what the "real" her was like. Ariadne is awesome. Those are my top three, I guess.
Character you're playing Mal, for now. I might try out an Ariadne voice later, but Mal's the challenge for me because we know so little about her.
A little bit about them? See above! I'm open to playing all versions of her, from the stabby dream version to the pre-movie dream version to post-jump having ended up somewhere else. I literally just picked her up so I'm still hammering out backstory.
Also, would you happen to be a Milliways-er?
[is bringing in Cobb in August? <3]
I need to work on that. When you've finished yours let me take a peeksy. I'm curious and excited to see how others interpret their relationship. <3.
Now we just need Arthur, Ariadne, Eames...
Which may actually be feasible.
But I like this idea. I was thinking we all need to get to know each other a little.
Internet Name Angel. But everyone calls me by something else. If it helps you remember you can call me by Mal's name. In my games I usually get called by my most known muse.
Favorite Inception Character Mal. Obviously~ After Mal.... I just really can't decide.
Character you're playing Mal and Phillipa (bornof_dreams
A little bit about them?
Mal -As we all know. Mal's kind of crazy. And that's almost exactly why I love playing her. Even the Mal in Dom's subconscious can go from sweet and kind to insane and predatory in a flash. And I love playing her at all ends of the spectrum. She's always a surprise ( ... )
But my friend wanted involved and we somehow came up with two new Inception OCs.
Character you're playing Jayda
A little bit about them?
Well Jayda's an Extractor. And she works to train men in Subconscious Security. Extracting is her side job that she does on a rare occasion when her and her partner, Ruby, are low on money. Jayda is an ex-army girl as well. I wrote the full story up in her profile so it's cooler to read there, I swear.
Internet Name: Froda. My regular lj is froda_baggins.
Favorite Inception Character: I love them all, but deciding between Arthur, Ariadne and Eames is ridiculously tough.
Character you're playing: One of many Ariadnes, right now. :D
A little bit about them? Still working on this, which is why my tagging may very well be slow for a while, until I get more comfortable with her. It always happens that way. I'm open for storylines and ideas, though.
Obviously, she's an architecture/design student, with a spontaneous personality and an adventurous streak a mile wide. Also, she doesn't often know when to stop asking questions and poking her nose into things. Once she starts something, she follows through to the very end, consequences be damned. It's gotten her into trouble more than once.
Internet Name: I go by Ant. Nice to meet you guys! :D
Favorite Inception Character: Welll... /points to LJ Eames did grab hold of me pretty tightly pretty much right after leaving the theater. But I also love Fischer (that poor guy got screwed so hard), Arthur, Ariadne, and Yusuf. And Saito. And Cobb. And-- Okay, I love all of them.
Character you're playing: That would be Mr. Eames right here. It's funny, I was actually thinking about Fischer first. But then this little Eames voice started and he just hasn't shut up since.
A little bit about them? Out of the entire crew, with the possible exception of Arthur, I picture Eames as the one most grounded in reality. While people like Cobb and Ariadne have to paint as real of a picture in the dream world as possible, Eames works solely through lies and disguises. It's easier for him to ( ... )
If you don't mind a scattering of regular Tom Hardy icons (there seems to be a shortage of Eames icons around), here and here are some icons.
Link. NAO.
THIS. Is why Mal doesn't talk to your friends, Dom -_-
Favorite Inception Character: After that antigrav fight scene? Arthur. Eames is a close second, however.
Character you're playing: I've joined the legions and legions of Arthurs hanging around.
A little bit about them?: In bullet-point form, because I'm lazy!
+ Arthur's not quite the fun-hating killjoy Eames would have you believe he is; he's just deadpan. Really deadpan.
+ Arthur also might be just a little bit paranoid, although he considers it completely justified since people usually are trying to kill him.
+ Arthur is one of nature's point men. He's good at improvising within a framework, and he's detail-oriented enough to make sure that everything goes according to plan (or at least doesn't completely fall apart), but he's not much of a leader.
+ Arthur's fashion sense sort of gravitates towards the 1950s, which is why everyone was in suits in the second level.
+ As of right now, he lives in a very well-fortified apartment next to crack dealers. (The crack- ( ... )
(And I totally agree about the deadpan thing. I am such a sucker for deadpan humor.)
(I know, right? I have a character type, apparently, and that type is snarky-with-various-degrees-of-deadpan.)
I approve of your type.
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