So I FINALLY finished my essay for astronomy. That essay took an inordinant amount of time and effort. For real. Oh well though. Its done, its in, and I'm happy with it...
So, now I only have to:
- Do problem set for Astronomy [tomorrow]
- Write my introduction for my thesis [tomorrow/last week]
- Contact people I plan on interviewing for my thesis [tomorrow/last week]
- Submit my IRB [tomorrow/last week]
- Meet with Molly to discuss all the work I should have done on my thesis (see above) [tomorrow]
- Write an essay for my US History course (pre 1877) [Monday]
- Study and take an astronomy exam [Monday]
- Pick a topic for my final project in Social Change in Colonial Africa [Tuesday]
- Pay bills online (When the fuck did I spend all that money?!)
- Pay for my parking permit
- Find a sack of cash on the ground to pay for the above...