(no subject)

Jan 16, 2006 00:06

I keep meaning to update!!

So tired now... can't. I will soon. I will also write my fursca proposal.

OH. Also, I plan to come to albion next week if its good for y'all.

And Driven to Distraction is a good book. I wish my mother would read it. Jen and I had a good talk discussing our family dynamics today and how we are the only two sane ones in there.

Grey's Anatomy was pretty interesting tonight. Girl (15ish) came in with tumor, found out that it was pressing against her teste and that she was in fact intersexed. The parents freaked, and asked the doctors to just go in and remove the male organs while they were in there removing the tumor, they refused point blank of course, and the parents decided that they were never going to tell her. Now the young lady, as she has so far identified herself, Becks (NOT Rebecca), had scars from cutting (& attempted suicide?) on her wrists, noting that earlier, george had talked to her about being different and how high school didn't matter much in the long run, etc. After they realized she was intersexed he flipped out when the parents refused to tell her, and sort of accidentally let it slip to her. She was sorta shocked for a few seconds, asked, so... I've always been this way? Then right before it faded out, she smiled. The tail end of the show is George talking to Becks about her options... she seems very interested in the idea of actually being a boy. Later she asks George to cut her hair short. What was really touching was when Becks' parents came in and saw George cutting their daughter's hair. The mom kinda froze and didn't know what to do, then she came over and took over from George...

I think they handled it really well. It wasn't made into a big deal or to be really controversial or anything.

Oh also, whatsherface finally decided to get an abortion. I think... it was mumbled. I thought they handled that very well too... showed her debating with herself, tryign to figure out whether she wanted to or not. Her Resident was pregnant, and they ended up talking the older doctor had also considered abortion, but ultimately decided that she wanted to have the baby, and that she could handle being a surgen and mother. whatsherface's lover, Dr. Burke, was totally fine with her decision, and said it was 100% her choice, though she was woried he didn't want her to get it.

All in all, another fantastic episode. I love that show. Its really smart and well written, and funny, and realistic... so much better than ER...

My sister and I then watched Raising Cain a documentary on PBS about the psychology of boys in america. It was REALLLY well done. Very indepth, insightful, etc. I recommend for people to watch it if they can find it on television. I don't know if its going to air any more since it primiered last week and has already played a few times.

After my dentist appt tomorrow I'm gonna head into the city to hang out with jennifer, go for sheesha and see either Brokeback Mountain or Munich. I'm pretty psyched. I don't get to talk to her at much when we're both home, and I don't really go into the city all that much. Plus, there's no one else in my family I'd propose going to see (or who would agree to see) Brokeback Mountain.

Oh. I just found out that Jen's roommate is a lesbian. Pretty cool. She has a band that's pretty famous I guess (though I've never heard of it before I met her. Apparently she plays aroudn chicago quite a bit (at the Metro and stuff), and does a lot of East coast stuff, plus collages and coffeehouses. I think she should play at the Coffeehouse next year, or maybe the spring if you all could swing it. Her name is Katie Todd, I guess her Band's name is "The Katie Todd Band". Check it out.

So, I guess I always assume people are straight too, unless they blatently disregard gender roles and stereotypes. Egyptian men totally violate american gender rules and behaviors. The American study abroad students are very freaked out by this (Nino calls it "homoerotic" which is such ignorant bullshit) because they hold hands or walk arm in arm and kiss on the cheeks, and dance together and stuff. The men at AUC place a LOT of emphasis on fashion, dressing well, etc. I've never seen so many tight shirts and pants in my life! So of COURSE they are CLEARLY homosexuals!! Behaving as such can ONLY MEAN that they are sexually attracted to MEN. DUH!

um yeah. So.

Come hang out in chicago. or go to albion where I can hang out with you there. Albion folks: is there anywhere I'd be able to crash????? I'm thinking someone's apt or the coffeehouse?? Lemme know. I'll contact people individually, but I don't really know where everyone is living.

family, "culture", egypt, home, teh gay, study abroad, culture shock?, contemplation, thesis

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