Happy New Year, everybody!
I brought in the new year in the lamest way possible. I won't go into details because the retelling will surely result in sudden onset of narcolepsy in readers. Le'ts just say I stayed in.
I was really excited last night because there was a pretty decent snowfall. All of the snow was sticking to branches, making for a beautiful winter landscape. As the garden photographer for Cantigny I planned on taking full advantage of this opportunity by getting up really early and heading out for the good dawn shots.
I was even able to wake up at 7:05am! Surely a record for me! I took a shower and encased myself in several layers of clothing (3 pants, 2 socks, 4 shirts, etc.). I had invited my mom along the night before because I figured it would be a good way for us to spend some quality time together without bickering about stupid stuff (after we got there at least). As I had anticipated, she tried to talk me out of going by saying the roads were too bad and it was too cold/dark, etc. I told her I was going whether she came or not and she agreed to go and told me to clear the car off.
In the time it took me to scrape all of the ice off and shovel the driveway a bit it started snowing again.
Big, fat flakes.
It's really beautiful, but its still coming down fairly heavily and the sky is really cloudy. Add the fact that its 20 F with a windchill around 0F and all of this translates to very poor photography conditions.
I'm really mad! This is the first time I was actually AWAKE and ready to go for a fresh, clingy snowfall.
It's supposed to snow all day and be partly sunny tomorrow, so I'll just head over tomorrow.
Oh well. Now I have the chance to finish up some job applications and research tips on digital snow photography.
I only use my digital for Cantigny, but I want to take my SLR film camera out. I bought a really nice camera, filters, and a telephoto lens for Egypt, but I haven't really used it much. I love film photography. Even though my digital (
Canon A610) offers a lot of manual features, it just doesn't have the same feel of control that my film camera does. Especially with focusing and zooming. I probably just need to familiarize myself more with the manual features. I like being able to adjust the focus and zoom on the lens itself, without any buttons.
I probably should have invested in a high end digital SLR instead, but sera sera. Once I get a decent paying job I'll probably buy one, especially if I'm still pursuing photography.
I have SOOO much film left over from Egypt! I really need to start taking some pictures with it. I'll take it with me to Cantigny at some point and maybe do a photo shoot with Keenan at a park or something.
Maybe I'll buy a photography text book and start giving myself weekly assignments.
Maybe I should focus on getting a job and save this fun stuff for later!
Best of luck to everybody in 2008!