Dec 28, 2007 01:03
I've only just started reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and I've already had to stop to jot down some questions/thoughts/ideas.
When people/scientists talk about instinct, evolutionary psychology, inherited preferences, etc. what exactly are they talking about? What is instinct? Where does it come from? How is it passed down?
I have a pretty firm conceptual understanding of instincts in different animals (how deer, horses, gazelles, learn to walk within the first few hours of their lives, Koalas eating eucalyptus leaves, wolves hunting in packs, etc.). But what are some examples of HUMAN instinct? What is hardwired and what is learned? What is passed down through social traditions and structures and what is not?
Steven Pinker's book on the human nature debate is on my shortlist of books to read... maybe that'll help clarify some things.
I find these to be very facinating questions. I'm sure that there are at least SOME answers out there... so if you know where I can find them please let me know.