Dec 31, 2008 17:05
This might be my last LiveJournal entry ever.
My 2009 resolution is to stop trying to keep track of everything and just live life as it comes. No more trying to signpost things with things like LiveJournal or trying to see a movie a week at the Logan Theater.
I'm just going to see where life leads.
Tonight ends one of the worst years of my entire life, thankfully.
When my camera broke last month, I think I'm even going to give up on flickr. Or at least not bother with a photo of the day. That's a definite.
I'm not even bringing my camera to the New Year's party I'm going to tonight. I decided in the end to go to Hillary's party (though I should be going to the Yelp party). It might suck but at least I'll be amongst familiar faces. Some hostile, some friendly.
Then in 2009, I'll just see where everything leads with said faces.
This whole endeavor might make it seem like life is getting away from me, but it can't get much worse.
Yesterday night and early this morning was really the pinnacle of how I can screw everything up. I don't even want to talk about it in a public forum.
I've learned it doesn't help.
December 31, 2008 seems like the perfect bookend to January 1, 2003. So I'll probably be back at random points throughout the year. Those of you I've become sort of real life friends with, I'm on Facebook and Yelp with.
Hope all of you have an amazing 2009.
Fond farewell!