One Last Entry To End The First Half Of 2008

Jun 30, 2008 22:18

So it has been two months since I last wrote. I'm still keeping up my streak of writing at least one entry a month since 2003 but just barely.

I've been really busy since I got back from my road trip to Washington D.C. For those who haven't seen what's kept me busy all that time, my vacation album on flickr is at: Americana road trip 2008.

As was bound to happen eventually, I'm now living my life almost completely on flickr on my photo a day account. I know a few people on here have come over there with me and I still see some of you on Facebook but I think except for checking in this once a month, I'm not even going to pretend to be on LiveJournal.

I used to say that the reason I didn't write was my life was so uneventful but really that's not the case.

Toward the end of last month, my life took a major turn when I moved into a new place on Milwaukee Avenue (a little too well documented on my photo a day account on flickr).

With this new apartment, I really have turned over a new leaf.

I'm cooking, I'm cleaning, and I'm even going to sleep at relatively (for me at least) early times every night.

This place is so quiet and so minimal that my mind really does feel uncluttered. Sometimes a little too much so. July seems like it will be a very busy month but I don't even want to picture how boring that winter might be.

Speaking of which, today was my five year anniversary on Netflix. It's really hard to imagine that until five years ago, I barely ever watched movies. Now this year I'm on pace for well over 300 movies (well, maybe not well over but just around).

Though I think I decided recently I'm going to start to watch TV on DVD. It seems as though I lack conversational skills as all of my friends now are old enough that they've gone back to television.

Of course, some of them never left.

And I have nothing against television. Though my first attempt at this, watching an episode of "Rome" with Samantha (who I now live a block away from) and Allen was a failure. I just could not get into it.

I think I'm going to attempt "Rescue Me" or "Weeds" (because the latter is available watch instantly on Netflix).

But if anyone has a T.V. show (not "Lost" - because that show just makes me cry when I watch it - or any show that has ended) they'd like to recommend, let me know.

On the photography front, I recently got the front page on Gapers Block with this photo:

So I'm pretty proud of that.

I also got an e-mail about this photo being considered for publication in a magazine (not a 'zine but an honest to goodness glossy type):

But I never heard back from them, so I don't think it's a go.

Oddly enough, these two photos considered publishable, I don't particularly like. Maybe my taste has just gone to crap again. With my new camera, I'm still not striking the right balance for both laptop and desktop monitors yet, so that might say something.

Well, off to start the second half of the year.

Hopefully it's better than the first. Though I'm kind of guessing it will be about the same. If anything eventful happens, I'll try not to wait a month to put it on here again.
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