Thank you
greenstone_j :D
Now I can return the favour!
Update on moi:
I've been absent. Working hard on a new story. At first I was just going to work on it while I sent my other one out, and now … I'm really into this one! I've gathered the courage to attempt a female perspective - and its very hard so it's sucking a lot of my time. But good. I like it and I've always wanted to, I just always write male perspective. I don’t know why that is. But this character is just speaking to me a lot, and very loudly.
Tis good.
Also Im booking flights and hotels for americas! Gonna be flying over on the 25th Aug and I am SOOO excited. I've been trying to understand american sales tax and it's ridonkulous for me (we only have a small goods and services tax, which is included in the price on a product - its not added on at final payment) It changes from state to state? So in some states… if you buy a Sephora product, it will be ultimately cheaper because the tax is lower?