Hooray for weekends!

Jul 13, 2007 22:38

This week was long and boring! =O

Tomorrow, I'm seeing a potential flat of residence for the me! Mum's not overly keen on this one because it doesn't appear to have anywhere to park a car. Big deal, I say. It's about as close to work as I am right now, so I won't be using the car much anyway. If I like this flat, I'm going for it. Parking space or not.

Stupid car

If the flat is shit, we're gonna look into getting a look at another place a bit further away. It has parking, it's slightly bigger and it's cheaper. But it's further away and is looks a bit more run-down if you ask me. But whatever. We'll know tomorrow.

Then the rest of the weekend is mine! All mine! Mwah ha.

I'ma gonna play games and do some garden stuff. I've spent two evenings out there already tackling the bind weed. Untangling the garden is strangely calming.

Someone badly needs to hurry up and get the freeloader for Wii created ;-; America is getting Fire Emblem on Wii this year and I wants it! That and Smash Bros. Brawl. Nintendo doesn't love us enough to get these games here anytime soon.

Meh. Not that I have any money <.< Save save save. Moving is expensive

~ Inc
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