[exo] accidentally on purpose

Jun 21, 2012 13:40

accidentally on purpose
exo ; baekhyun/chanyeol ; g ; humor, au
“greetings, human,” he says in perfect korean and baekhyun wonders how a man so cute and innocent looking could possess such a deep voice. “i come in peace.”

notes: part of across the rubicon au. i lied okay i’m not writing a longer version of this one because longfics are the death of me sobs so instead i’ll be posting many ficlets in this au lmao

baekhyun’s pouring coco puffs into a bowl when the ground shakes for the first time. he glances around nervously, but nothing else happened, so he assumes it was only his imagination and goes to retrieve milk from the fridge. as he bends down to rummage inside the refrigerator though, a second shake made him jump and hit the back of his head on the rack. too scared to even curse, he rubs the bump on his head and goes back to the table and grips the edge hard, unsure of what to do. the quakes are like an earthquake, but they lasted for only two seconds, and baekhyun’s perfectly sure that real earthquakes lasted for longer than two seconds.

“maybe i should get out of the house,” he mutters to himself. “after breakfast.”

baekhyun sits down and dumps too much milk over the cereal, but that’s okay, he needs to grow taller anyway. he's just chewing on the first spoonful of breakfast when it happens.

there’s an almighty crash, and suddenly there is smoke and dust everywhere and a friggin’ hole in his ceiling and bits of wood and bricks in his bowl along with the milk and cereal. baekhyun's limbs freezes, unable to even think, as he watches the smoke dissipate around the apartment and oh my god is that a person.

baekhyun’s mind is in a state of panic and doing calculations on how much fixing the ceiling would cost when the figure stands up, a little stiffly, and he’s so tall, all gangly limbs and awkward movements. he's probably almost as tall as wu fan and baekhyun can’t help the slight twinge of jealousy before the smoke disappears completely and the person is revealed completely.

he looks as old as baekhyun himself, with wide eyes, straight nose, and perfect pink lips. his mousy hair is wiry like jongin’s terrier and stands up in every direction and what the hell is he wearing aluminum foil.

baekhyun's still sitting with his mouth open, cereal half-chewed, dumbstruck look on his face when the stranger notices him. he fidgets and consults the thing he’s wearing around his wrist in a language he’s sure doesn’t originate from earth for a while, and finally looks up, grinning.

“greetings, human,” he says in perfect korean and baekhyun wonders how a man so cute and innocent looking could possess such a deep voice. “i come in peace.”

baekhyun makes a strangled noise like a dying walrus in the back of his throat. he's convinced zitao’s hit him too hard with his wushu stick the other day, albeit accidentally.

the man -- thing, smiles. “my name is -“ he cuts off abruptly, a confused look in his face, and promptly starts talking to his bracelet again. he nods a couple of times and looks up again, clearing his throat, and this time confidently said, “my name is park chanyeol.”

baekhyun falls out of his seat, unconscious.

notes: for nicole minwhore who coerced me into writing this she is horrid ;_; so a little backstory on how chanyeol crash-landed into baekhyun’s life hahaha and because so many baekyeol in the airport on their way to london hurrr feelings ;;

l: series, p: baekhyun/chanyeol, f: exo, !fanfiction, au: the extraterrestrial chronicles

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