Years roleplaying? On LJ: A year and a half. Elsewhere: Around 7. Counting BOTVGH: around 10.
Least favourite character? Pre-LJ? An original named Madec, who I never got a consistent voice for. LJ-time? Probably my attempt at Kallen Stadtfeld... Because at the game she was at, there was only a Lelouch who had to exit for personal reasons like a week after she joined. I wish to try her again someday.
Favourite characters? Outside of OCs, I'm going to have to say Eirin Yagokoro. Over time, I've gotten a pretty good balance with her that's fun to play.
Male or female characters? (Answer stolen from
floogster :V) Mostly females. I only have one active male account right now, but I seem more comfortable with female characters.
Oldest character? On LJ, Eirin Yagokoro, who is frozen. Pre-LJ, an original named Torian Batries (who was very, VERY different from the incarnation of him at Mayfield).
Newest character? Megaera D'Ashland, an OC Succubus Witch. Outside of OCs, Sakuya Izayoi.
Most popular character? I'd actually think that my version of Noel Vermilion was pretty popular, though at one RP I was at, my Professor Layton (now inactive) was actually the one people cited as the favorite.
Character you've never played? I made a joke-name Morrigan account, "screwthesprites", right after Tatsunoko vs. Capcom came out and she got an awesome 3D model. (Technically, she had in fact gained new sprites not long before, but Cross Edge doesn't count by virtue of being pretty bad.). I didn't really have any serious intent to use it, I just liked the name.
[ Which character of yours would be most likely to... ]
Jump off a bridge? Mystia, for the lulz. (She can fly.)
Get drunk and pass out? Megaera D'Ashland counting OCs, otherwise Yukari Yakumo. (The "And pass out" part makes Megaera come out ahead due to lower alcohol tolerance.)
Kill somebody in a very unorthodox way? Evangeline A.K. McDowell.
Get married? Counting OCs, Torian. Otherwise, Layton by virtue of being a total pimp.
Be far too hyper for their own good? I don't really have any truly hyperactive types, but Mystia's the closest.
Rape somebody? ... Skipping. :|
Be raped? Noel Vermilion.
Get lost and refuse to ask for directions? Yukari.
Get lung cancer? Good thing Youkai don't get normal cancers, Yukari!
Star in a horror movie? Evangeline A.K. McDowell... As the surprise-twist villain.
Star in a whore movie? Resisting jokes about my OCs... Probably Kallen, actually.
Star in a video game? ... Half my non-OCs do!
Make the world a better place? Evangeline, while denying she's doing so and insisting it's part of an evil plan. Layton, straight up.
Have a torrid gay love affair? Well, the Succubus OCs mentioned in the whore movie question are bi... Otherwise, probably Noel due to dependency issues.
[ Relate each word to a character of yours: ]
Love: Megaera. Out of OCs, Yukari.
Hate: Sakuya Izayoi.
Money: Evangeline (as in "where does it come from?")
Seduction: Succubus OCs, Kallen (unintentionally)
Lies: Torian, full stop.
Tragedy: Noel.
Manipulation: Torian, full stop. Evangeline if "mindfuck" counts.
Violence: Yukari.
Politics: Lady Myey, an OC. Outside of it... Layton actually.
Fire: Megaera, because fire's pretty.
Ice: Evangeline.
[ Would you ever... ]
Play a prostitute? I'm not Frank Miller, so no WHORESWHORESWHORESWHORESWHORES for me.
Play a musician? Yes. If my D&D group didn't have a (gay Dragonborn with an electric guitar scythe) Bard I'd be the group Bard. :P
Play a pilot? If mechs count, I already have many times (including using Mystia Lorelei as one at one site). Airplane? Nope.
Play a homosexual? Male and female ones (though only females on LJ).
Play a pedophile? "Pedophile! Pedophile! Your words sting so!" "... But I thought you were one!" "NO! I'm a heebophile, there's a difference! A pedophile is attracted to pre-pubescent children! (Ew.) I'm attracted to teenagers. There's a difference."
Play a politician? I haven't DIRECTLY done so (Lady Myey doesn't really count), but I could.
Create a character for the sole purpose of smut? No. Just. No.
Play a character who commits incest? No. Just. No.