Collection of Q&As with the author: her thoughts on sequels/prequels and the movie

Apr 29, 2011 03:30

Catherine Fisher has a Q&A section on her site, so I thought I'd copy some of her answers here to clear up some questions in the fandom.

Will there be third book to follow Sapphique? No.
Q: Why are you only writing two books in the Incarceron series? Your work is so impressive it must go on!

A: Incarceron is not a series. It was originally conceived as a single book, but the plot became so long I needed a sequel. And now it's finished. There are so many other stories to tell...

Would she write a prequel? Not likely, but possible.
Q: Is there anyway you would maybe write a prequel to the books? I think it would be very interesting to know what exactly happened during the Years of Rage and how the moon got to be the way it is. please please write a prequel!

A: I'm into something else at present, but maybe one day. Who knows.

Did she participate in Taylor Lautner's casting? No.
Q: Did you have any say in the casting of Taylor Lautner as Finn in the Incarceron movie? I'm sorry, but why him? Not that I don't like Taylor, but he's just not the kind of actor I pictured Finn as at all. I have to admit, though, I love the books enough that I will still go see it at any cost.

A: I have no say in casting. But, maybe you've answered your own question. All his fans will go to see the film because of him.

What does she think of Taylor Lautner being cast as Finn? She's okay with it.
Q: My question is what do you think of Taylor Lautner's being cast as Finn, if that's an appropriate question. Also, as they are set in the future, what sort of accents did you imagine the characters to have?

A: I am perfectly happy about Mr. Lautner's casting- I'm sure he'll be great. As for accents, it'll be strange to hear US ones [since she's British], but if they're the ones making the film...

Who would she like to play Claudia? An unknown.
Q: I heard that there is going to be an Incarceron movie. Since there is already a Finn chosen (Taylor Lautner), if you could pick out the actress for Claudia, who would you have in mind? I was just wondering who your dream-Claudia was.

A: I don't really know enough young actresses to pick one. It would be good if it was someone unknown. But she has to be good, because Claudia is a very important part of this book.

Does she have a preference for a director of the movie? Anyone with an usual vision.
Q: If you could have any director direct the screen adaptation who would that be? Me personally I can see Terry Gilliam, he's into dystopian films and very imaginative!

A: As for directors, I think Terry Gilliam would be great, or anyone with an unusual vision.

General thoughts on movie interpretations of books: books are more powerful than film.
Q: Hello Catherine, given that all goes well with film production in Incarceron, would you have any hopes of your other books becoming film adapted or would you rather preserve the art of a book in a book?

A: [...] But in essence I am a writer and I think the written word is more powerful and has more potential to really explore people and situations than any film.

I'm also collecting a series of questions and answers that have to do solely with the book. I'll publish the first part of those in the next few days, but there are 256 pages of questions to get through so it takes a little while. Hope this illuminates a little about her feelings relating to the future and the movie though!

If you have another question to ask Catherine Fisher, you can submit it here at her website. Let us know if you get an interesting reply!

book: incarceron, incarceron movie, interviews: catherine fisher, character: claudia, cast: taylor lautner, book: sapphique

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