Apr 28, 2011 00:32
“My idea was just to suggest relationships and leave it to the readers to puzzle over- which everyone seems to be doing! Certainly I don’t want the film to polarize everything into a conventional romance, as I think the very fact that things are not spelled out is what readers find intriguing. It’s interesting that in the hype regarding the casting of Claudia, she is referred to 'the romantic interest' for Finn, (they obviously haven’t read it) which I think she’d find really infuriating. I agree with you that the other characters are just as important, Attia and Keiro, Jared and the Warden in particular.”
--Catherine Fisher, author of Incarceron
Any thoughts on Fisher's quote? How do you feel about Finn/Claudia and their relationship's importance and their personal importance as characters in the novel compared to the other characters?
incarceron movie,
interviews: catherine fisher,
ship: finn/claudia