Choose the New Header for incarceron!

Jan 27, 2011 18:30

The amazing ana_br has created a header with two variations. I love them both and can't decide between the two, so I thought I'd let you, the members, decide what will be the header of incarceron.

Here are your choices (both have been reduced in size for the purpose of voting):

Version 1
Claudia Arlexa and Finn (Yes, not Taylor Lautner, but not everyone agrees with the casting.)

Version 2
Features not only Claudia and Finn, but also in the background Keiro, Attia, Gildas Sapiens, Jared Sapiens, Warden John Arlexa

Poll Choose a Header
Get your votes in soon, because I'm anxious to fit a new livejournal layout to our new header!

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