001. video/text and action for NEW BARK TOWN

Sep 25, 2011 12:29

[Man, have you ever had those days when you just explode in front of your friends and then you wake up in a bed with a woman telling you that you're gonna go on an adventure? And you just feel compelled to type about it?]
excuse me
d0es any0ne happen t0 kn0w what a m0m is
0r where i am f0r that matter


i want t0 chalk this up t0 a time blip
but even this is far t00 unusual

[The video feed flips on for a moment, revealing a pretty young girl with poofy black hair and dark red-colored eyes.]


[It cuts out and text runs on the screen again.]

this device is rather primitive 0n t0p 0f it
if s0me0ne w0uld care t0 help me i w0uld feel better
if thats 0k with them 0f c0urse
thank y0u

shit just got real

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