
Apr 07, 2017 06:10

I suppose this has been a long time coming, but it's official - I'm leaving LJ. By this point, many of my old friends have left the site and I've slowed down my posting. In addition, the new ToS is making me very uneasy. I don't feel comfortable posting here with that hanging over my head.

So I'm moving my things over to DW and I will delete this journal at the end of next week.

It makes me sad to consider leaving and losing all my friends here, and I hope I can find you somewhere else. I can always be found on DW as raxeira and on tumblr as naatsue. If you aren't in any of those places, you can message me here and I will pass along my email.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and words over the past years. I will miss you all, and I hope we can talk again soon!
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