I'm looking back on 2016, and feeling a bit surprised! So much has happened! I had a job, lost it, and got a new one. I moved out of my parents' house and into my own apartment. I wrote a complete draft of a novel and revised it. It hasn't been everything that I expected, or everything I wanted, but it's been good. At the beginning of the year I
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As for making new friends ... man, this is HARD ._. I moved to a new city this year, and even though I made some good and promising acquaintances, I find that making friends is so damn hard when you're closer to 30 than 20 (age-wise). It just seems that everyone has their friends and their clique already and they haven't been waiting for you ... I'm constantly torn between "I don't want to push myself on people" and "I need to try harder". No wonder our closest friendships are usually the ones that started back in school.
I don't want to sound all mehh about this, because I love your goal to make NEW friends on top of deepening old ones! I guess what I'm saying is, the process is different when you're older and it might be harder (but doesn't have to be) :)
Congratulations on establishing a writing routine and on finishing a first draft of your novel!! That is fantastic. (Did you participate in NaNoWriMo, by the way?) I feel we're on the same page with our writing, a bit ^_~ I also think I have made progress, but I'm still far from being published with my fiction. Well, I console myself by thinking of great writers such as Munro or Murakami, who weren't published before they hit their 40ies ;-)
All the very best for your 2017!
I did participate in NaNo! Both in the summer and fall, which helped me stay on track. That, and getyourwordsout, an amazing community that really kept me writing regularly. It pushed me to meet my big writing goals, and I'm so happy to have met them.
Friends are HARD. The hardest, really. I have control over the friends I make and yet... can't seem to make any. I completely agree with you about how it gets harder as you get older. I'm just going to try to make one more friends. Even that would be a success, imo.
Thank you, the best to you, too!
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