Title: there's always time for tea
archangelbethSeries: Avatar / One Piece
Requested Topic: Crossover, your choice which. "Two 'ships passing in the night."
Due to
http://incandescens.livejournal.com/724310.html "I don't care about talking reindeer, elastic men, master swordsmen, cyborgs, boys with catapults, or any of that other garbage," Zuko snarled. "Is the Avatar on that ship?"
"Well, Prince Zuko," Iroh said, and took a sip of tea, "no."
"Then there's no need for us to waste further time here!" Zuko spat, stalking away.
"Pay no attention to him, my dear," Iroh said, refilling Nico Robin's cup. "Please do go on about those ruins you were investigating."
"Uncle!" Zuko snapped. "Is this really the time to be discussing archaeology?"
"I can't think of a better one," Iroh said happily.