Eurovision comes but once a year

May 17, 2019 02:02

Well, watching it comes technically three times, I suppose, if you count both semifinals as well as the final. Which was Tuesday and Thursday this week - the semifinals, that is - and Saturday for the final.

So far these were the ones I particularly liked:

Australia - (one of the hot favourites; opera singers on stilts, and fun)
Norway - (lots of energy, giant reindeer totems, some of it sung in Sami, a lot of fun)
North Macedonia - (nice singing and high-minded)
Greece - (pleasant enough)
San Marino - (it's not going to win, but I think it'll get a decent score in the "sympathy vote" area, and it's hummable)
Serbia - (lone deserted wintry sorceress type sings ballady thing)
Albania - (dramatic, in black and gold, easy listening)
Russia - (decent singing, male voice, cool effects - I don't think it'll win, but I think it deserves some points)

Georgia - (male voice choir stuff, ice and volcanoes - didn't get through to the final, but I liked it)
Latvia - (pleasantly melancholy female voice, nice to listen to - didn't get through to the final)
Hungary - (mournful male voice, again didn't reach the final)

The weather has turned briefly nice, with sunshine and blue sky and warm(er) temperatures. The forecast suggests that it's going to go flat again in time for the weekend. Ah well.

I'm back in book six edits, and trying to thrash through them so I can get back to book seven. How else am I to write Kai visiting other dragons in a Swiss alps little "home from home" to get some computer analysis done?


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