Apr 11, 2006 04:05
plain and simple, I hate myself, I hate work, I hate feeling empty, I hate love. I hope that Noelle doesn't read this out of curiousity. I can't stand not haveing her in my life but I can't stand talking to her either. I just feel like every conversation is meant to make me feel like shit. I've only made cetain choices because I'm trying to think of myself for a change. I went a long time without doing just that. I was depressed, and now it seems like this whole breakup is about her. ITS BEEN NOTHING BUT HER FOR TEN MONTHS, AND NOW I'M SUPPOSED TO FEEL BAD? I love her with all my heart but I can't live like this. She can't be just friends, and it breaks my heart. But thats her choice. I can't be friends with someone who is constantly trying to make me feel like shit. I just hope she does better at life than she has been. She has a great future if she plays it out right. I know she'll be happy enough one day to give one lucky guy everything I wanted. I'm Fuckin going to bed.