Dec 13, 2005 21:33
So it's that wonderful time of the year yet again, and I haven't written in a long time. I've been fairly busy, but one can never be too busy to wish all of his friends a Merry Christmas. For those of you who know me well, you know that this is my favorite time of year. I love the corniness that comes with the holiday season. I love the claymation movies, the same five Christmas songs that get played over and over just redone by different artists. I take it all in and harness it as my own. When I was a kid, it was all about getting presents and good ones. My mother would tell me that it was always better to give than recieve, and this being what every mother tells their child, I know that you understand how stupid this sounded to a child. Well, the years have passed and as much as I hate to admitt it, she was right. There isn't a feeling in the world that compares to giving some one a present that just lights up their face, and it is a dying shame that most people only give at Christmas. I'm not the perfect person, nor do I claim to be, but I try my best to keep Christmas in my heart all year long. I try to find the perfect gift, and the best time to give a gift isn't on Christmas but on a day where everything seems to be going wrong. Those bad days need Christmas. Please keep Christmas well, for yourself and for those you love.
P.S. Not that I haven't used the word Chirstmas enough already, but it is a time to be with the ones you love. I for one am grateful to have Noelle coming home for the holidays because thats all I wished for. And you people called me crazy for believing in Santa Clause!!!!!!! IN YOUR FACE LOSERS!!!!
Dustin J. Mattinlgy