Oct 23, 2005 02:44

So as you can read, it's 2:44 AM and I haven't been able to catch a wink of sleep. I called Noelle earlier tonight but didn't really get to talk to her because she was at a party. I missed talking to her. I told her to have a good time because I really did want her to, she deserves it, but I still worried. I have an over active imagination and it kills me. I just want to make her happy and I never want her to feel guilty for doing things like this. It isn't her problem, it's mine. I'm just so scared of losing the most important thing in my life. I'd kill for her, I'd die for her, and I live for her each and every day. Well, I guess I'll get back to my late night Boy Meets World marathon (I have such a boring and pathetic life).

Dustin J. Mattingly
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