Nov 20, 2006 22:57
Silent Hill 2
OMG... I can't believe all the scary things and weird dreams I've endured so far playing this game (Thank you Yoshi~~ <3)
It's been only 3 or 4 hours of game play, but so far I've jumped, screamed, clung, whimpered and nearly dropped the controller~ Luckily Sara was sitting with me, so I had to be manly for her.... o.O;; riiiight
Ok so that only happened the first night cuz I, being a genius, wanted to play with out the lights on. TRY IT!! That night when I tried to go to sleep the wind was particularly vocal, and was howling and moaning outside my door. Which for those who haven't seen it, is 3 feet from my head and offers no additional protections from things lurking beyond in the dead of night (especially after seeing human-like things with no arms crawling around like spiders from underneath cars...btw my door opens to the driveway....-_-). ::Breathes::
I asked Sara to come back in my room and stay for a while, which she did (I luv you Sara~) But no sooner had I finally calmed myself enough to lay down, the wind picked up again and something came Tumbling down the driveway towards my door!! I jumped up in bed and turned to face it-- realizing a second later that it was only an empty plastic milk container that I saw earlier that day~ By then I was laughing and my eyes were streaming tears at the stupidity of it all~ After that I just passed out. I must have exhausted my imagination by that point so it couldn't keep me awake O.o
So now I'm in the hospital. I got my ass handed to me by Pyramid Head (twice!) and now I'm on to what is REALLy starting to look like Silent HIll. i.e. more bluhdy, rusty, walls, and creepy, random sounds for no good reason!!
and due to evidence I've seen in the game, it is my belief that Pyramid Head eats babies... WheEE!
video games