Aug 09, 2006 02:15
supppp journal world. havent seen yall in a few. a shit ton has happened since we last left off, sooo if you dont already know sorrrry, not gonna get into all that now. as of now im just sittin in kalani's basement watchin some mighty ducks 3. i leave for arizona tomarrow, and im gonna be gone til the 14. when i get back ill be having a show in my basement, soooo if yalll wanna come out and hang, that would be sahhhhweeet. i also saw that the last post mentioned that i had aquired a gf, well that just ended a couple weeeks ago, and already im strapped down again lolol. a funny situation actually. the summer is coming to an end and its been the best one ive had in years, with the exeption of a few things.